How to speed up step motor using mp6500?

hi. i’m tung. i am making senier project now. i am using ‘23HS3007-02’ step motor, at89s51 micro controller and mp6500 step motor driver. i succeeded to work step motor but its speed was too low. so i revised delay time but it’s slow too. so how can i make step motor faster?
step motor - 12V, 1A
at89s51, mp6500 - 5V, 1A

Hello, Tung.

In general, to achieve higher step rates we recommend following the tips outlined in this forum post by Ben.

If you tell me more about your system, I might be able point out something obvious that you can change. What speeds are you able to achieve before and after revising your delay time? What did you set the current limit on your MP6500 to? How are you supplying power? Also, I cannot find a stepper motor with “23HS3007-02” in its name; can you link to a product page or datasheet for your motor?


thanks. Jon. step motor data sheet.pdf (42.0 KB)

#include <reg51.h>

sbit dir = P2^0;
sbit step = P2^1;
sbit ms1 = P2^2;
sbit ms2 = P2^3;
sbit sleep = P2^4;
sbit led = P1^0;
unsigned char count;

void delay(unsigned long i)

void TMR1_int(void) interrupt 3
   EA = 0;
   if (count==0){
      step = ~step;
      led = ~led;
      count = 20;

void main(void)
   dir = 1;
   sleep = 1;
   step = 1;
   led = 1;
   ms1 = 1;
   ms2 = 1;
   count = 20;


What speeds are you able to achieve before and after revising your delay time?
->Reducing delay time speed up, increasing slow down. but just limit 5000 delay time.
What did you set the current limit on your MP6500 to?
->I am using a 1 A current limit and I don’t know what Z means when I connect I1 and I2. Z mean is high?
How are you supplying power?
→ 8051 and MP6500 is 5V, step motor is 12V.
Also, I cannot find a stepper motor with “23HS3007-02” in its name; can you link to a product page or datasheet for your motor?
→ I upload 23HS3007-02 step motor data sheet.

You did not really answer my question about the speeds of your system. What speeds have you been getting and what speeds do you want to achieve?

It sounds like you are using our MP6500 driver with digital current control and are referring to this table for coarse control of the current limit:
The Z in that table represents high-impedance, which means those inputs should not be connected to anything (i.e. they should be left floating).
