T500 Reverse Motor Direction

We are using I2C with a T500, running in position mode. I used the Tic control center to reverse the motor direction to match the mechanism it is driving. When we first boot up our machine, the T500 will drive the motor in the wrong direction. If we repeat the move without making any other changes, the motor goes in the correct direction. It only does this once after a power cycle. We have resolved the issue by reversing the target positions, but this might indicate a firmware issue.

Is this a known issue? Is there a firmware update to resolve this?


Hello, Gyz.

We have not seen that issue before, and I was unable to reproduce it with a quick test. Could you give us more information about your setup? Are you using a homing switch with the Tic’s automatic homing feature enabled? Could you post the simplest complete code that demonstrates the problem? Also, could you post your Tic settings file? You can save your settings file from the “File” drop-down menu of the Tic Control Center while your Tic is connected.


Perhaps it’s a bug in our software. I cleared the “Invert motor direction” flag, and adjusted my target positions accordingly, and it’s been running flawlessly ever since. We’ve moved on and will revisit this topic if we get the opportunity.


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