Based on the first answer on this thread, I am trying to control two stepper motors using Timer0 PWM of my SVP1284.
I would like to use the A4988 motor driver to connect to the 1284 and actually power the motor, but the stepper motor code I am running does not yield the desired result.
The code I am testing is exactly the same as the stepper code provided with the pololu-avr library, except instead of a call to set_motors(), I am calling my own functions that should send PWM outputs on pins B3 and B4 for Timer0 outputs, ie
#define PWM0C IO_B3 // PWM output pin for Timer zero, motor C
#define PWM0D IO_B4
#define DIRC IO_A7 // Assign A7/A6 to be M3/M4 direction control lines
#define DIRD IO_A6
As of now, only the STEP and DIR pins (and logic power) pins are connected to the SVP. The result is that the motor vibrates at intervals defined by the main program, but does not actually move. So, it seems as if the Timer0 PWM is working, but there is still something wrong. I have played with the delay_us settings to be anywhere between 2 and 10 milliseconds between steps, but the results are the same.
Thanks in advance