Step and Dir pins on Tic T825

Hi there, I am using an Tic T825 steps and dir pins to connect to a TB6600 Stepper Motor Driver. According to manual, as long as I am not using “Step/Dir Control mode”, the step and dir pins on Tic can be connected to the TB6600 to drive a stepper motor. I am not having success so far.
How the pins should be connected: “Tic Step” to “TB6600 Step positive” or to “TB6600 Step negative”?

Thank You


I moved your thread to the “Motor controllers/drivers and motors” section of the forum.

To avoid confusion, can you provide a link to your TB6600 Stepper Motor Driver (e.g. a product page, user’s guide, or datasheet)?


Hi Brandon, Attached is the spec for TB6600. I have also try to use a DMA860S (specs attached) with no success. I found the files on the web, not sure how reliable they are.

DM860S.pdf (588.8 KB)
TB6600-Manual.pdf (386.0 KB)

For the TB6600, it looks like you should be following the “Common-Cathode Connection” diagram on page 3 of the datasheet you linked to. So:

  • EN-, DIR-, and PUL- on the TB6600 driver should all be connected to a common ground
  • DIR+ should connect to the Tic’s DIR pin
  • PUL+ should connect to the Tic’s STEP pin
  • EN+ can be left disconnected

Can you try that and see if it makes any difference?


The Tic T825 was purchased from e-bay. It turns out that the unit was malfunctioning after I connected the pins to an oscilloscope.