SOLVED: Tic Arduino I2CMulti example only works when no USB is plugged in

Here is an example of how to use I2C with 2 Pololu controllers (I’m using a 36v4):

tic-arduino/examples/I2CMulti at master · pololu/tic-arduino (

I can use this code to run 2 stepper motors around as a sanity check. I’m using an ATMega2560, and there are is a 100Kohm pullup resister to 5V for both SCL and SDA lines. The ATMega2560 is connected at Vin to 1 of the 3 Pololu 36v4’s 5V (output) lines to provide power. The schematic I followed is described here:
Pololu - 4.6. Setting up I²C control

The stepper motors are three of the:
Pololu - Stepper Motor: Bipolar, 200 Steps/Rev, 35×28mm, 10V, 0.5 A/Phase

I’m providing 12V from a power supply with adequate current to Vin on the 36v4. I had started at 10V which was almost not enough current, so I think this is adequate now.

It all works fine. The stepper motors move one way, pause, and then move the other way, as the example provides.

That is, it works fine as long as I don’t plug the Arduino’s USB connector into my PC. Then suddenly I get yellow lights flashing and there is no more movement by the stepper motors.

Since I will eventually need to use serial commands over a USB connection, I’ll need to understand how to work around the stepper motor controllers failing when the USB to the Arduino is plugged in to a PC.

In the Tic Controller Center Software, I only changed each 36v4’s I2C ID (from 14 to 15 and a 3rd controller from 14 to 16). But I did not change any other settings on the controller.

But my suspicion is that this is probably an issue on the Arduino side.

Any ideas on how I should go about troubleshooting this, or insights into what needs to be changed would be appreciated. This is a very simple example, and I imagine it can be reproduced easily too.


I don’t see why connecting the USB to your Arduino would cause problems with the I2C communication. Do you have a ground connection between the Arduino and Tic when you’re power the Arduino through USB? Could you post some pictures of each setup that show all of your connections?


Ground is common from the GND pin next to Vin on the Arduino and the 36v4 GND pin next to 5V (out).

The GND for VIN on the 36v4 (powering the stepper) is not a shared GND though - so there is a different GND from the power supply and what comes out of 36v4 5V(out)/GND. I had tested everything for bad solder joints and it seems solid.

The wiring is too involved for a photo, I’m afraid (Vin/GND/SDC/SCL from Arduino to a bus, and GND/5V(out)/GND/SCA/SCL/RST/ERR (skipping TX/RX/RC) from three 36v4’s to the same bus. It’s quite a tangle. All that’s really important is that it works fine when doing the bare minimum connection for that git example as long as USB isn’t connected to the Arduino.

Only 1 of the 3 36v4’s 5V(out) is used- the others are N/C to prevent contention.


By disconnecting 5V (out) from the Arduino’s Vin line, everything works fine. Arduino and the 36v4’s still share a common ground for the I2C bus, but otherwise they are isolated now, and the Arduino relies fully on the 5V provided by the USB connection.

I am glad you figured out the problem and got it working again! Thank you for letting us know.
