Setting p i d variables whit potentiometer


I am using jrk 21v3 controller and I would like to set the P I D constants whit 3 potentiometers.

I am using this card in a closed loop sistem whit analog voltage feedback whit a flow meter to set the flow of wather in a pipe

I was thinking of a microcontroler connected to the USB port and seting some registers but I do not know how


I am now looking into aduino (aduino nano) to make a communication betwen jrk and adruino.

does anyone nkow how to adress or setup the communication it would bee very helpful



Using a microcontroller for something like that would be a difficult task. It might be feasible to create your own computer software to read the values from the potentiometer and then set the jrk’s PID parameters over USB. A good starting point towards accomplishing that can be found in the “Writing PC Software to Control the Jrk” section of the Pololu Jrk USB Motor Controller User’s Guide.

The Arduino can control the jrk through its serial interface using a library like SoftwareSerial. More information about the jrk’s serial interface can be found in the “Using the Serial Interface” section of the Pololu Jrk USB Motor Controller User’s Guide.
