Script no longer running when USB disconnected

My Script on my Maestro Mini 12 no longer runs an animation without the USB connection, even with a 6v power source. I’m making the Raven Kit from Mr. Chicken.

It used to run my script when disconnected, jumper in place, now it just makes the servos click a little and the bird doesn’t move. What do we think might be the issue?


Could you make sure that the “Run script on startup” box is enabled in the “Script” tab of the Maestro Control Center? If that box is enabled and it is still only working when powered through USB, could you post some pictures of your setup that show all of your connections (including how you’re powering the Maestro)? Additionally, could you post a copy of your Maestro settings file? You can save a copy of your settings file from the “File” drop-down menu of the Maestro Control Center software while the controller is connected.
