RoboClaw Roboclaw 2x5a v3.1.5 ...can't get ReadCurrents to work

Hi all,

Yes, I know I have old firmware, but the ReadCurrents function should still work. Any thoughts as to how I can go about it? I have 2 RoboClaws connected using Packet Serial to an Arduino Uno and everything else is working fine… finally! Yay :smile:

Thanks, in advance, for any help!


The manufacturer of the RoboClaw, Ion Motion Control, would probably be better able to help you with that kind of troubleshooting, so I recommend contacting them directly for support.


Thanks again Grant.

Yeah, I contacted them, but no reply after a week… :confused: …thought I would try here. I’ll keep waiting.

Usually Ion Motion control is very good about responding in a timely manner. You should make sure their responses are not somehow getting filtered into your spam folder, and then try contacting them again directly by email.


Thanks Grant. You were right… I missed their reply. Thanks again!