Roboclaw E-Stop

Anyone use a Roboclaw and use the e-stops on S4/S5 ? I can’t seem to get them to reset. I am using a push button switch for testing. When pressed it goes to ground. When not pressed, I have a pull-up resistor of 10k to 5v. I have used the motion control software to set S4/S5 to e-stop, and not latching.

The e-stop works just fine to stop, but it behaves like it is in latching mode. The only way to clear it is to power cycle the roboclaw. I see the red status light on the hardware, and on the motion control software.

Any ideas?

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Just to be sure, could you double check what you have them set to E-Stop and not E-Stop (Latching)? After that, could you monitor the voltage at the S4 and S5 pins to ensure that your switches are behaving as expected?

Also, please note that when configured for E-Stops, those inputs should have internal pull-ups already active, so you shouldn’t have to add an external one.


Found it. I am in packet serial mode, and S3 needs to be out of default for S4/5 to work as non-latching. I changed S3 to the same as S4/5 of E-stop and it now works fine. I am not using S3 so I was surprised that I needed to do that.

I was trying the resistor when the lack of one wasn’t working. But sure enough it works fine without the pull up. (or with)

Thanks for responding.