Reading and transmitting accelerometer values

thanks David
I have made a note of the instructions
next time it happens I’ll follow and report :slight_smile:

Thank you. This is the code:

#include <wixel.h>
#include <usb.h>
#include <usb_com.h>
#include <adc.h>
#include <stdio.h>

uint16 avalue;

uint16 readaccel(void)

	return adcRead(0);  // Measures voltage on P0_0


void putchar(char avalue)

	  if(usbComTxAvailable() >= 1)


void main()

        printf("adc: %d\n",avalue);

I tried both “make clean load_robot_project” and “make clean && make load_robot_project” in the command prompt and got the message “No rule to make target ‘clean’. Stop.”

you need

avalue = readaccel();


I just tried that and I’m still not getting anything output in the Putty terminal window…in Putty the baud rate is set to 9600. I’m not sure if this could be the problem and how I would find the correct baud rate.


baud rate kinda doesn’t matter
the Wixel will use whatever the COM port is opened with

you might want to try the attached
I tried your app and it gives me values …

should be self explanatory - but ask questions if needed (283 KB)

sheepcounter, one problem with the code you last posted is that you never actually set the value of the global variable “avalue” and the name of the parameter to putchar is misleading. Despite these problems, your code did produce output when I opened PuTTY:

I suspect that you either failed to compile the code or failed to load it onto the Wixel, and didn’t realize it. Could you try again? Please note that the Wixel Configuration Utility does not detect changes to wxl files after you open the file. That’s another reason to use the command line. You should delete the wxl file so you can be sure that it gets recreated by the Makefile. You should try running “make clean” again because that really should work: just make sure that you are in wixel-sdk directory when you run the command.

Here is an improved and simplified version of your app. If you successfully compile and load it onto the Wixel, you should see the red LED turn on the green LED indicate the USB status:

#include <wixel.h>
#include <usb.h>
#include <usb_com.h>
#include <adc.h>
#include <stdio.h>

void putchar(char c)

void main()

        if (usbComTxAvailable() >= 64)
            printf("adc: %d\r\n",  adcRead(0));


Thank you so much for your help!! I used the simplified code and it worked. The only problem was that there was no delay in the printing so the accelerometer values went by way too fast in the terminal window. I added a delay statement using delayMs(1000) and compiled again. The compiling didn’t work and I tried to compile the example blink LED program (using the command prompt) and it didn’t work. Then I downloaded the example LED program using the configuration utility, and it downloaded. I tried to download the robot_project again and it didn’t work. I removed the app file, did “clean”, build all, used the command prompt, and now it doesn’t download! You mentioned that you are trying to create a new “make”…does this scenario seem like a common problem with the current make? Also why do you need to clean all and build all instead of doing this for a single app?

Adding a blocking delay such as delayMs(1000) is a bad idea because usbComService() needs to be called at least every 50 ms to attend to the USB connection. The USB spec says that some control transfers need to be answered within 50 ms and the CC2511 hardware can not do this automatically. Also there are other functions you probably want to call more often than once per second: boardService, usbShowStatusWithGreenLed.

One workaround would be to write your own delay function that calls usbComService, usbShowStatusWithGreenLed, and boardService while it is delaying. However, I prefer to use the non-blocking approach if possible because it places fewer limitations on your app. See the example_blink_led app for an example of how to regularly schedule a task (toggling the red LED) without blocking other tasks or blocking the execution of the main loop.


It sounds like a lot of things in the build process aren’t working for you. What error messages or unexpected behavior are you getting? Is it always the same error message from before?

make: Interrupt/Exception caught (code = 0xc0000005, addr = 0x0x416638)

This means that there is some internal bug in make that is causing it to crash. What you are experiencing is not common (yet). I’ve only heard of this error happening for you and mmcp42, but for mmcp42 the error only happened sometimes.

As a workaround, you could make a batch file that compiles everything you need to compile and forget about using make, but that is not a great solution. What would be better is if you work with be to debug make. I don’t know how to reproduce the problem on any of my computers, so I would send you a debug version of make and tell you how to run gdb to see where the crash is occurring. Do you want to do that? I have already fixed one bug in GNU Make that was affecting Wixel users and it seems like you’ve found another.

You wouldn’t need to clean all and build all if make was working correctly.


Thanks, that would be really helpful to use a debug version of make because it’s been unpredictable. I get the “Interrupt/Exception caught” error sometimes. As I said in my previous post, I couldn’t get the app file to update after doing clean and build. I didn’t see an error message. Doing the “make” in the command prompt didn’t work and I resorted to using the Wixel configuration utility to download the example LED program.

Sorry, maybe my last post wasn’t very clear. There’s a big difference between a “debug version of Make” and a fixed version of Make. I don’t have a fixed version of Make to give you because I have not yet identified the bug and fixed it. Do you want to help me identify the bug by installing some development tools on your computer and following some instructions so I can see why make is crashing? Note that even after we do this, there is no guarantee that I’ll be able to fix the bug but it will be a step in the right direction.

You say that you didn’t see an error message. Did make produce any output at all? The best way to see if make produced any output is to run it at the Command Prompt; you won’t see the output from make in Eclipse unless you have the right view open (the Console).


I would be happy to install development tools to find out why make is crashing. The example blink LED program is currently on the Wixel and I tried to download the accelerometer program using the command prompt but the blink LED program is still running. Make did produce output in the command prompt and I have the end of the output attached.

From that screenshot it looks like make could be working. Are you sure you invoked make with the correct command to actually load the program on to a Wixel, which is “make load_robot_project”?

Ok, here’s what you can do to help me identify the bug in Make:

  1. Download and install MinGW by following the instructions in the “Graphical User Interface” section of this page:
  2. Extract gnumake.exe from the zip file that is attached to this post and put it somewhere on your path, for example in “C:\Program Files (x86)\Pololu\GNU Build Utilities”. This is a debug version of make (version 3.82-pololu1).
  3. Go to the wixel-sdk directory.
  4. Run “make” to run your old version of make and verify that it crashes the way you described in your previous post, by printing “Interrupt/Exception caught…”.
  5. Run “gnumake” to run the debug version of make and verify that it crashes the way you described in your previous post, by printing “Interrupt/Exception caught…”.
  6. Run “gdb gnumake” to start debugging gnumake.
  7. At the GDB prompt, type “run”.
  8. When gnumake crashes, you will see a message like “Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.”
  9. At the gdb prompt, type “where”. This command will show you the call stack when the command occurred.
  10. If you want to learn more and investigate on your own, type “gdb help”.
  11. Please post the command you used to run gdb as well as all of the entire output from gdb here so we can examine it. You don’t need to take screenshots; you can copy text from the Command Prompt and post it here inside code tags.

If anything goes wrong during this process, please provide as many details as you can about what exactly you did and what went wrong.

–David (1.49 MB)

Wow I actually did forget the “load_” part of “make load_robot_project” so that is why it wasn’t downloading.
I had only got the “Interrupt/Exception caught…” error in the console window of eclipse after doing “build all”, and never saw this error in the command prompt. For some reason I am not getting this error right now. If it happens again I will follow the procedure you gave me. Thank you very much for your help!

Ok, I’m glad things are working better for you now! --David

Now I’m trying to understand the Wireless Serial App so I can modify it to transmit and receive accelerometer values. I don’t see where RX is defined. I don’t understand how TX is being set up in this code:

// Set up P1_5 to be the radio’s TX debug signal.
P1DIR |= (1<<5);
IOCFG0 = 0b011011;
// P1_5 = PA_PD (TX mode)

Would I connect TX to the analog input pin that I want to obtain data from to transmit? Does RX need to be connected? I’m also confused about the purpose of the control pins because of the note “You do not have to connect anything to the control signal pins in order to send and receive serial data. These pins are optional.”

The “TX debug signal” that you found code for is different from TX. TX and RX are defined in the UART library (uart.lib, uart1.h, uart.c) that the wireless serial app uses.

Connecting the TX pin to an analog input pin does not make sense. The TX pin is for transmitting TTL serial bytes (for example to another microcontroller’s RX line). The analog input pins on the Wixel are for measuring voltage levels between 0 and 3.3V (for example from your accelerometer outputs).

You would connect the Wixel’s RX line if you want to receive TTL serial bytes from something (for example another microcontroller’s TX line). I’m not sure if you need to connect the RX line in your application because I’m a little unclear on what exactly you are trying to do. If you just want to transmit the accelerometer values wirelessly and display them on your computer then you don’t need to connect any RX lines.

The control pins can be used for many things. On our Wixel Shield for Arduino, we use a control line to reset the AVR microcontroller, enabling wireless Arduino programming.


I want to transmit and receive accelerometer values back and forth between two Wixels. When the first Wixel transmits, the second one receives, and then the second one transmits and the first Wixel receives. Before I try to do this, I think I should write a simple program to transmit values from one Wixel to another Wixel that is connected to the computer so I can see the received value. I’m still confused about what to connect and how to modify the program.


You have two Wixels, so lets name them Wixel A and Wixel B. You should connect Wixel A to your accelerometer so it can read the value of the accelerometer. You already figured out how to connect a Wixel to an accelerometer, but if you have forgotten then let me know and I can help you do it again. Wixel A and the accelerometer will need to be powered by something. You can power them either from USB or from a 2.7-6.5 V battery connected to the Wixel’s GND/VIN pins, it’s up to you. If you are unsure about how to connect power, let me know.

Wixel B should be connected to the computer via USB so it can report the accelerometer values it receives to the computer via USB. No other connections are necessary for Wixel B.


Wixel B can run an unmodified version of the wireless serial app, with its default settings. It will detect that it is only being powered by USB, so it will go in to USB-to-Radio mode, which is exactly what you want.

Wixel A should run a modified version of the wireless serial app. You would need to add some code to the main loop of the app that periodically reads the accelerometer values and attempts to send them to the other Wixel. You can look in the example_blink_led app to see an example of how to perform a task periodically (instead of constantly) in a non-blocking way. The code I posted earlier shows you how to read an accelerometer value and send it to the USB virtual COM port using the usbComTx functions. All you need to do is change that code to use radioComTx functions, which are documented here:
The usbComTx function are very similar to the radioComTx functions, so it should be easy to change the code. Then insert the relevant bits of that code in to your modified wireless serial app.
