Pololu Item #2982, driver 8825 is not working with Arduino UNO

/*     Simple Stepper Motor Control Code using Arduino UNO, DRV8825 and NEMA 7 Stepper Motor
// Defines pins numbers
const int stepPin = 3;
const int dirPin = 4; 

int customDelay,customDelayMapped; // Defines variables
void setup() {
  // Sets the two pins as Outputs
  digitalWrite(dirPin,HIGH); //Enables the motor to move in a particular direction
void loop() {
  customDelayMapped = speedUp(); // Gets custom delay values from the custom speedUp function
  // Makes pules with custom delay, depending on the Potentiometer, from which the speed of the motor depends
  digitalWrite(stepPin, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(stepPin, LOW);
// Function for reading the Potentiometer
int speedUp() {
  int customDelay = analogRead(A0); // Reads the potentiometer
  int newCustom = map(customDelay, 0, 1023, 300,4000); // Convrests the read values of the potentiometer from 0 to 1023 into desireded delay values (300 to 4000)
  return newCustom;  


I am sorry that you are not able to control your stepper motor with your DRV8825. What happens when you run your sketch? (Does the stepper motor jitter or buzz, does it remain silent and still, etc.) Can you tell me more about your setup? What is your current limit set to? Can you link to a product page or datasheet for the motor you are trying to control? How are you supplying power? Also, have you tried controlling the stepper motor without input from the potentiometer (i.e. hard-coding values for customDelayMapped)? Additionally, can you post pictures that clearly show your setup and connections?


It created buzz sound for seconds, but no rotations.
current limit is 1.65 amp per phase. I am supplying power from wall, output is 19 VDC and 3 amp from adaptor.

How can I control without potentiometer?

Can you try running the sketch inside this blog post? That sketch has basic code to slowly step a stepper motor and it does not use a potentiometer. (Note that to run that code, you will have to update STEP_PIN and DIR_PIN with the Arduino pins that you are using in your setup.)
