pa0-pa7 of atmega644 problem?

do not know pa0-pa7 problem?


#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <avr/signal.h>
#include <avr/wdt.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include <avr/sleep.h>
#include <avr/eeprom.h>
#include <avr/wdt.h>
#include <avr/delay.h>

#include "UART/uart.h"
#include "UART/xitoa.h"

#define LED 					0

#define LED_OFF					PORTB &= ~_BV(LED)
#define LED_ON 					PORTB |=  _BV(LED)

#define sbi(reg, bit) 			reg |= (1<<bit) // SET
#define cbi(reg, bit) 			reg &=~(1<<bit) // CLEAR

#define output_low(port,pin)    port 	&= ~(1<<pin)
#define output_high(port,pin)   port 	|=  (1<<pin)
#define set_input(portdir,pin)  portdir &= ~(1<<pin)
#define set_output(portdir,pin) portdir |=  (1<<pin)

 * Receiver pulse timings
 * Standard RC receivers output high pulses between 0.5 ms and 2.5 ms with a neutral
 * position of about 1.5 ms. If your RC receiver operates with different pulse
 * widths, change these constants below.
 * The units of these constants is ticks of Timer1 which is set to tick every 3.2
 * microseconds.

const int minPulseTime     = 156;  // 0.5 ms
const int neutralPulseTime = 469;  // 1.5 ms
const int maxPulseTime     = 782;  // 2.5ms
const int maxLowPulseTime  = 3000; // 9.6ms

struct ChannelStruct
	volatile unsigned int prevTime;
	volatile unsigned int lowDur;
	volatile unsigned int highDur;
	volatile unsigned char newPulse;

	unsigned int pulse;
	unsigned char error;

struct ChannelStruct ch[7];

 * Pin Change interrupts
 * PCI0 triggers on PCINT7..0
 * PCI1 triggers on PCINT14..8
 * PCI2 triggers on PCINT23..16
 * PCI3 triggers on PCINT31..24
 * PCMSK2, PCMSK1, PCMSK0 registers control which pins contribute.
 * The following table is useful:
 * AVR pin    PCINT #            PCI #
 * ---------  -----------------  -----
 * PA0 - PA7  PCINT0  - PCINT7   PCO0
 * PB0 - PB3  PCINT8  - PCINT11  PCI1
 * PC0 - PC5  PCINT16 - PCINT23  PCI2
 * PD0 - PD7  PCINT24 - PCINT31  PCI3

// This interrupt service routine is for the channel connected to PaA0-PA5
	// Save a snapshot of PINA at the current time
	unsigned char pina = PINA;
	unsigned int time = TCNT1;

	if(pina & (1 << PORTA0))
		// PA0 has changed to high so record the low pulse's duration
		ch[0].lowDur = time - ch[0].prevTime;
		// PA0 has changed to low so record the high pulse's duration
		ch[0].highDur = time - ch[0].prevTime;
		ch[0].newPulse = 1; // The high pulse just finished so we can process it now
	ch[0].prevTime = time;

    if(pina & (1 << PORTA1))
		// PA1 has changed to high so record the low pulse's duration
		ch[1].lowDur = time - ch[1].prevTime;
		// PA1 has changed to low so record the high pulse's duration
		ch[1].highDur = time - ch[1].prevTime;
		ch[1].newPulse = 1; // The high pulse just finished so we can process it now
	ch[1].prevTime = time;

    if(pina & (1 << PORTA2))
		// PA2 has changed to high so record the low pulse's duration
		ch[2].lowDur = time - ch[2].prevTime;
		// PA2 has changed to low so record the high pulse's duration
		ch[2].highDur = time - ch[2].prevTime;
		ch[2].newPulse = 1; // The high pulse just finished so we can process it now
	ch[2].prevTime = time;

    if(pina & (1 << PORTA3))
		// PA3 has changed to high so record the low pulse's duration
		ch[3].lowDur = time - ch[3].prevTime;
		// PA3 has changed to low so record the high pulse's duration
		ch[3].highDur = time - ch[3].prevTime;
		ch[3].newPulse = 1; // The high pulse just finished so we can process it now
	ch[3].prevTime = time;

    if(pina & (1 << PORTA4))
		// PA4 has changed to high so record the low pulse's duration
		ch[4].lowDur = time - ch[4].prevTime;
		// PA4 has changed to low so record the high pulse's duration
		ch[4].highDur = time - ch[4].prevTime;
		ch[4].newPulse = 1; // The high pulse just finished so we can process it now
	ch[4].prevTime = time;

    if(pina & (1 << PORTA5))
		// PA5 has changed to high so record the low pulse's duration
		ch[5].lowDur = time - ch[5].prevTime;
		// PA5 has changed to low so record the high pulse's duration
		ch[5].highDur = time - ch[5].prevTime;
		ch[5].newPulse = 1; // The high pulse just finished so we can process it now
	ch[5].prevTime = time;
	if(pina & (1 << PORTA6))
		// PA5 has changed to high so record the low pulse's duration
		ch[6].lowDur = time - ch[6].prevTime;
		// PA5 has changed to low so record the high pulse's duration
		ch[6].highDur = time - ch[6].prevTime;
		ch[6].newPulse = 1; // The high pulse just finished so we can process it now
	ch[6].prevTime = time;


 * updateChannels ensures the recevied signals are valid, and if they are valid 
 * it stores the most recent high pulse for each channel.
void updateChannels()
	unsigned char i;

	for (i = 0; i < 1; i++)
		cli(); // Disable interrupts
		if (TCNT1 - ch[i].prevTime > 35000)
			// The pulse is too long (longer than 112 ms); register an error 
			// before it causes possible problems.
			ch[i].error = 5; // wait for 5 good pulses before trusting the signal

		sei(); // Enable interrupts

		if (ch[i].newPulse)
			cli(); // Disable interrupts while reading highDur and lowDur
			ch[i].newPulse = 0;
			unsigned int highDuration = ch[i].highDur;
			unsigned int lowDuration = ch[i].lowDur;
			sei(); // Enable interrupts

			ch[i].pulse = 0;

			if (lowDuration < maxLowPulseTime ||
				highDuration < minPulseTime ||		
				highDuration > maxPulseTime)
				// The low pulse was too short or the high pulse was too long or too short
				ch[i].error = 5; // Wait for 5 good pulses before trusting the signal
				// Wait for error number of good pulses
				if (ch[i].error)
					// Save the duration of the high pulse for use in the channel mixing
					// calculation below
					ch[i].pulse = highDuration; 

/* AVR Initialization					*/
static void hardwareInit( void )
	/* PortA  +--------7: In     : CH[7] input      */
	/*        |+-------6: In     : CH[6] input      */
	/*        ||+------5: In     : CH[5] input      */
	/*        |||+-----4: In     : CH[4] input      */
	/*        ||||+----3: In     : CH[3] input      */
	/*        |||||+---2: In     : CH[2] input      */
	/*        ||||||+--1: In     : CH[1] input      */
	/*        |||||||+-0: In     : CH[0] input      */
	DDRA  = 0b00000000;
	PORTA = 0b11111111;

	/* PortB  +--------7: Pullup : non use          */
	/*        |+-------6: Pullup : non use          */
	/*        ||+------5: Pullup : non use          */
	/*        |||+-----4: Pullup : non use          */
	/*        ||||+----3: Pullup : non use          */
	/*        |||||+---2: Pullup : non use          */
	/*        ||||||+--1: Pullup : non use          */
	/*        |||||||+-0: Pullup : non use	        */
	DDRB  = 0b00000000;
	PORTB = 0b11111111;

	/* PortC  +--------7: Pullup : non use 	        */
	/*        |+-------6: Pullup : non use 	        */
	/*        ||+------5: Pullup : non use          */
	/*        |||+-----4: Pullup : non use          */
	/*        ||||+----3: Pullup : non use          */
	/*        |||||+---2: Pullup : non use          */
	/*        ||||||+--1: Pullup : non use          */
	/*        |||||||+-0: Pullup : non use          */
	DDRC  = 0b00000000;
	PORTC = 0b11111111;

	/* PortD  +--------7: Pullup : non use	        */
	/*        |+-------6: Pullup : non use          */
	/*        ||+------5: Pullup : non use          */
	/*        |||+-----4: Pullup : non use          */
	/*        ||||+----3: Pullup : non use          */
	/*        |||||+---2: Pullup : non use          */
	/*        ||||||+--1: Out(L) : TXD              */
	/*        |||||||+-0: Pullup : RXD              */
	DDRD  = 0b00000010;
	PORTD = 0b11110001;

	uart_init();                    // initialize USART       
    xfunc_out = uart_putc;

int main( void )
	ch[0].error = 5;    // Wait for 5 good pulses before trusting the signal
	ch[1].error = 5;
	ch[2].error = 5;
	ch[3].error = 5;
	ch[4].error = 5;
	ch[5].error = 5;
	ch[6].error = 5;


    // PCMSK0 - Pin Change Mask Register 0
    PCMSK0 = (1<<PCINT7) | (1<<PCINT6) | (1<<PCINT5) | (1<<PCINT4) | (1<<PCINT3) | (1<<PCINT2) | (1<<PCINT1) | (1<<PCINT0);
	// PCIFR - Pin Change Interrupt Flag Register
	PCIFR = 0xFF;
	// PCICR - Pin Change Interrupt Control Register
	PCICR = 0x01;

	TCCR1B = 0x03;    // Timer1 ticks at 20MHZ/64 = 312.5KHZ(1 tick per 3.2us)

    while(1)  // Loop forever

		long servo_position0 = ch[0].pulse / 10;   // PA0
        xprintf(PSTR("CH[0] = %4d\r\n"),servo_position0);     	
	return ( 0 );


I have no idea what you are asking. Please read this post and then make a more appropriate introductory post.

- Ben