Dual MC33926 no voltage on motor output

Just received the motor driver. I have some experience with L298N modules, this is the first MC33926. I tried all sort of settings but do not succeed to get any voltage between OUT1 - OUT2.

I already switched from M1 to M2, and I do not think I did something wrong that damaged the board.
I am using a simple switched power supply with 12,3V output to feed the driver board and from there the Arduino Nano which seems to be working fine.
One remarkable thing I cannot explain is that when I set the EN to HIGH, the SF goes to LOW.
Hope you are able to help.
Rgds, Ernani

Below an overview of some variants I tried,

Hello, Ernani.

It sounds like you are using the Dual MC33926 Motor Driver Carrier. If so, you will need to connect D1 to GND and D2 to VDD to get an output from the driver. One of those pins could also be given a PWM signal, but let’s start with just applying high and low voltages. An easy way to connect both D pins properly is to supply 5V to the VDD pin on the driver and then connect each D pin to the pin next to it (either VDD or GND) with a shorting block or small jumper wire.

Once the D pins are connected correctly the SF pin should remain 5V unless there is a fault. From your chart it looks like you were also almost always using the same voltage for IN1 and IN2. If you want a motor to drive (or to see a voltage difference across the output) one pin should be 5V and the other GND. I suggest not doing anything with the INV and SLEW pins until you have the driver working mostly how you want.


Hello Claire,
Thanks a lot for your explanation, it works now.
What I did, was to let the Arduino pull the D1 and D2 low/high. Seems like this is not the same as yours, because yours works :slight_smile:
Does this familiar to you? (I am wondering because I have tried the IN1-high and IN2-low without succes.)
Kind regards,

Your questions are not really clear to me, but if you have it working, your connections are probably correct. It is fine to control the D pins from your Arduino, and if you supply PWM signals to one of the D pins, you can just set one IN pin high and the other low to get the motor to move in one direction. Only controlling the IN pins without doing anything with the D pins is not enough to get the driver to move a motor.

If that didn’t answer your questions or you still have concerns about your connections, you could post a diagram that shows your connections and what signals you are sending from your Arduino, and I would be happy to check it for you.


Sorry if I was not clear. It is just that I was trying to figure out what I did wrong in the beginning.
Thank you very much for helping and giving information, I really appreciate it.
Best regards,