Dual G2 18v18 engines don't act properly

Hello everyone!!

I can’t execute on my scketch and based on the Demo the following actions by varying each action and similar loop:

  • 2 engines at the same time forward and stop
  • 2 engines at the same time back and stop
  • 2 engines at the same time, in the opposite direction

I can’t get the proper functioning if I alter the loop for each of the above 3 options.

You can help me, because I would like to add another Dual G2 and two more engines.:

if  (VpinValueOld27 == 1) { 
      for (int i =0; i <=500; i++) { 

// ------------This is where I have my biggest malfunctions in the 3 options… by putting or activating the two engines together

     md.setM1Speed(222); delay(5);
     md.setM2Speed(-222); delay(5);     

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------

} else   {
        md.disableDrivers(); delay(5);                  


Thank you very much and a cordial greeting

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Conectar misma alimentacion controladora Dual G2 18v 18 a Arduino