I am setting up my ramps 1.4 and went to set the current on my 8825 drivers. the X axis is showing a max voltage of .209, the Y axis has a good range and the Z axis is showing .03. Are my X and Z drivers bad?
Can you clarify what you mean when you say that the Y axis has a good range? What voltage levels are you seeing from this reading? Also, how and where are you measuring these voltages?
Can you clarify what you mean when you say that the Y axis has a good range? It is in reference to the driver in the middle, which adjusts normally via the pot. This is regardless of which position I place the driver (X, Y or Z). I set it at .452 V in the photo, but I can adjust it up or down. I am measuring at ground and VREF or the pot (I get the same reading at both)
The driver at the bottom or X axis position, can only be adjusted to the max voltage, in this case .185 V at full clockwise. I can adjust the pot counter clockwise and lower the voltage to 0.
I am using two PC power supplies coupled to provide 24 volts.
OK, I am embarrassed to say I had them in backwards, all based on images I had seen (of other drivers). I found this after a hint from the ramps forum.
I am glad you found out what the problem was and that you were able to correct it. Thank you for letting us know.