Hello, I am using an Arduino UNO with the JRK 21v3 motor controller. I am trying to control a LACT2-12V-20 Linear Actuator motor.
I have figured out there is a few ways to use the JRK 21v3 with it not being connected to the USB by using serial, PWM and Analog.
I would like to use the Arduino Serial outputs to send signals to the JRK 21v3. My code knowledge is still a bit of a novice and I am having some issues figuring this one out. How I can send basic serial outputs to send the motor to be fully open (4095) or fully closed (0).
My backup plan is to use the Analog input to just send a 0 or 1 to the Analog input. The only positions of the motor i Need are fully open or fully closed. Is there a special setup i need for analog to work?
thanks for your help