Command line --run

Jrk G2 ~ I will be running with analog feedback first but will probably use open-loop later.

I don’t understand command line --run option. It is listed with --target. Do I use --target and then --run?

When would I use the --run command?

sets the target to its current value – what current value?

“in order to trigger the side effects” – what side effects?

You can also send this command using the Jrk G2 Command-line Utility, jrk2cmd. The --target NUM option allows you to specify a target. For example, you can run jrk2cmd --target 1234 to send a Set Target command with an argument of 1234. You can run jrk2cmd --run to clear latched errors and send a “Set target” command that sets the target to its current value in order to trigger the side effects of the command that are described above. You can add the -d NUM option to either of the commands above to specify the serial number of the Jrk you want to control, which is required if there are multiple Jrk controllers connected to the computer over USB.


The --run command can be used to tell the Jrk to continue to the originally intended target location (e.g. specified by a previous --target NUM command) if it was interrupted by something like an error or a `‘–stop’ command before it has reached the target.

The effects of the command that it is referring to is the description from the first three paragraphs in the Set target entry of the “Command reference” section of the Jrk G2 user’s guide:

The “Set target” command is the most important command for controlling the Jrk, and in many applications it is the only command needed. The target can represent a target duty cycle, speed, or position depending on the feedback mode.

If the input mode is serial, this command sets the “Input” and “Target” variables equal to specified target value, which should be between 0 and 4095. In any input mode, it clears the “Awaiting command” error flag, clears the serial timeout timer, and terminates the effect of any previous “Force duty cycle” and “Force duty cycle target” commands.

You can send this command using the Jrk G2 Configuration Utility. If the input mode is serial, you can specify the target value to send using scroll bar in the “Status” tab. In any input mode, you can click “Run motor” to clear latched errors and send a “Set target” command.
