Can't get my TB6612FNG setup to work with raspberry pi and 2 motors

I want to control 2 motors using my raspberry pi and a motor controller. I strictly followed the instructions from this video: How to connect the TB6612FNG Dual H-Bridge motor dirver to an Arduino and Raspberry Pi - YouTube

but I can’t get it to work.

Here are my components:

-Raspberry Pi 3b+

-Pololu TB6612FNG Dual Motor Driver Carrier

-9V battery (tested and successfully powers both motors)

-2 motors


Photos of my setup:

Diagram of the controller:

The wires are connected as follows:

VMOT - Battery (+)

GND - Battery (-) / Pin 6

VCC - Pin 1

AO1/2 - Motor 1

BO1/2 - Motor 2

PWMA - Pin 12

AIN1 - Pin 16

AIN2 - Pin 18

STBY - Pin 22

BIN1 - Pin 15

BIN2 - Pin 13

PWMB - Pin 11

My code:

from time import sleep
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO


# PWM Frequency
pwmFreq = 100

# Setup pins
GPIO.setup(12, GPIO.OUT)  #PWMA
GPIO.setup(18, GPIO.OUT)  #AIN2
GPIO.setup(16, GPIO.OUT)  #AIN1
GPIO.setup(22, GPIO.OUT)  #STBY
GPIO.setup(15, GPIO.OUT)  #BIN1
GPIO.setup(13, GPIO.OUT)  #BIN2
GPIO.setup(11, GPIO.OUT)  #PWMB

pwma = GPIO.PWM(12, pwmFreq) # pin 18 to PWM
pwmb = GPIO.PWM(11, pwmFreq) # pin 13 to PWM

# Functions

def forward(spd):
    runMotor(0, spd, 0)
    runMotor(1, spd, 0)

def reverse(spd):
    runMotor(0, spd, 1)
    runMotor(1, spd, 1)

def left(spd):
    runMotor(0, spd, 0)
    runMotor(1, spd, 1)

def right(spd):
    runMotor(0, spd, 1)
    runMotor(1, spd, 0)

def runMotor(motor, spd, direction):
    GPIO.output(22, GPIO.HIGH);
    in1 = GPIO.HIGH
    in2 = GPIO.LOW

    if(direction == 1):
        in1 = GPIO.LOW
        in2 = GPIO.HIGH

    if(motor == 0):
        GPIO.output(16, in1)
        GPIO.output(18, in2)
    elif(motor == 1):
        GPIO.output(15, in1)
        GPIO.output(13, in2)

def motorStop():
    GPIO.output(22, GPIO.LOW)

## Main

def main(args=None):

if __name__ == "__main__":


No motor movement whatsoever


It appears that the header pins on your TB6612FNG are not soldered on. You need to solder the male header pins to the dual motor driver carrier to make a secure electrical connection.
