I just tried a basic setup of this driver and it failed. Here is my setup and troubleshooting so far:
- Stepper Driver: A4988 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier with Voltage Regulators, Item #1183
- Stepper Motor: Stepper Motor: Unipolar/Bipolar, 200 Steps/Rev, 42x48mm, 4V, 1200mA, Item #1200
- Microcontroller: Arduino Due, using AccelStepper library, one line in loop() to test run stepper
- Motor power supply: bench 12VDC, all grounds connected (also tried with motor ground separate)
I used the ‘Minimal wiring diagram for wiring a 5V microcontroller to an A4983/A4988 stepper motor driver carrier with voltage regulators (full-step mode).’ from the product page to hook everything up.
I only received a couple tiny vibrations from the motor. However, it is not reproducible every time motor power is applied.
Variations tried from minimal wiring: Powered driver Vdd from 5V bench supply, from Arduino Due 3.3V out and 5V out. Same results. Also tried switching around the motor coil wires. (with power off)
I measured the voltage on the driver’s 5V out pin and got around ~100mV and ~30mV on the 3.3V out pin. The driver’s motor output was only around 300mV.
Disconnected everything from the driver and noticed with DMM there is a short/continuity between the 5V out pin and all the grounds on the driver. Pretty sure this is not supposed to be there, as there is no continuity between 3.3V out and GND.
I physically checked and visually checked with a high power magnifying glass to make sure I didn’t bridge the 5V to GND when I had soldered the headers, since they are right next to each other. That would have been the most likey scenario.
I did not solder/bridge either of the power pads on the driver.
Any additional troubleshooting advice would be appreciated.
Thanks for your time,