ZumoBuzzer not working-hardware or software?

I am very new to Arduino and have no experience writing code, but have managed to get my new, factory assembled Zumo to move with the ZumoMotors sample sketch and play around with timing of movement.

Not successful at all in making any sound using any of the ZumoBuzzer sample sketches in the library. ZumoBuzzer example 3 will make the orange LED blink 8 times in sequence, pause and continue another 8 blink sequence, but that is all. Sample sketches 1 and 2 load, but don’t seem to be doing anything.

I don’t know if I need to add or amend code to this sketch to make it work or if it is a hardware problem. I tried uncommenting each of the three Pre-compiler Directives, but same result: successful upload, but just the blinking lights. I am a complete newbie at this, so any help would be appreciated.

Here is the sketch I’m using in case this helps, but is the next step to break out an Ohm meter and look for the sound module?

#include <ZumoBuzzer.h>
#include <Pushbutton.h>

 * This example uses the ZumoBuzzer library to play a series of notes on
 * the Zumo Shield's piezo buzzer.
 * This example demonstrates the use of the ZumoBuzzer::playMode()
 * and ZumoBuzzer::playCheck() methods, which allow you to select
 * whether the melody sequence initiated by ZumoBuzzer::play() is
 * played automatically in the background by the timer interrupt, or if
 * the play is driven by the playCheck() method in your main loop. The
 * melody begins playing after the user pushbutton on the Zumo is pressed
 * and released.
 * Automatic play mode should be used if your code has a lot of delays
 * and is not time critical.  In this example, automatic mode is used
 * to allow the melody to keep playing while we blink the yellow user LED.
 * Play-check mode should be used during parts of your code that are
 * time critical.  In automatic mode, the timer interrupt is very slow
 * when it loads the next note, and this can delay the execution of your code.
 * Using play-check mode allows you to control when the next note is
 * loaded so that it doesn't occur in the middle of some time-sensitive
 * measurement.  In our example we use play-check mode to keep the melody
 * going while performing timing measurements using Arduino's micros()
 * function.  After the measurements, the maximum time measured is printed
 * over the serial connection.
 * Immediately below are three #define statements that allow you to alter
 * the way this program runs.  You should have one of the three lines
 * uncommented while commenting out the other two:  
 * If only WORKING_CORRECTLY is uncommented, the program should run in its
 * ideal state, using automatic play mode during the LED-blinking phase
 * and using play-check mode during the timing phase.  The maximum recorded
 * time should be close to 250, as expected.
 * If only ALWAYS_AUTOMATIC is uncommented, the program will use automatic
 * play mode during both the LED-blinking phase and the timing phase.  Here
 * you will see the effect this has on the time measurements (instead of 250,
 * you should see a maximum reading as high as 600).
 * If only ALWAYS_CHECK is uncommented, the program will be in play-check
 * mode during both the LED-blinking phase and the timing phase.  Here you
 * will see the effect that the LED-blinking delays have on play-check
 * mode (the sequence will be very choppy while the LED is blinking, but
 * sound normal during the timing phase).  The maximum timing reading should
 * be close to 250, as expected.
// (the remaining two should be commented out)
//#define WORKING_CORRECTLY    // this is the right way to use playMode()
//#define ALWAYS_AUTOMATIC   // playMode() is always PLAY_AUTOMATIC (timing is inaccurate)
#define ALWAYS_CHECK       // playMode() is always PLAY_CHECK (delays interrupt the sequence)

#define LED_PIN 13

ZumoBuzzer buzzer;
Pushbutton button(ZUMO_BUTTON);

//#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
const char rhapsody[] PROGMEM = "O6 T40 L16 d#<b<f#<d#<f#<bd#f#"
  "T80 c#<b-<f#<c#<f#<b-c#8"
  "T180 d#b<f#d#f#>bd#f#c#b-<f#c#f#>b-c#8 c>c#<c#>c#<b>c#<c#>c#c>c#<c#>c#<b>c#<c#>c#"

void setup()                    // run once, when the sketch starts
  while (!Serial); // wait for serial port to connect (needed for Leonardo)
  Serial.println("Press button to start...");
  pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT);

void loop()                     // run over and over again
  // allow the sequence to keep playing automatically through the following delays
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
    digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW);
  // turn off automatic playing so that our time-critical code won't be interrupted by
  // the buzzer's long timer1 interrupt.  Otherwise, this interrupt could throw off our
  // timing measurements.  Instead, we will now use playCheck() to keep the sequence
  // playing in a way that won't throw off our measurements.
  unsigned int maxTime = 0;
  unsigned long startTimeMicros;
  unsigned int elapsed;
  for (i = 0; i < 8000; i++)
    startTimeMicros = micros();
    elapsed = 0;
    while (elapsed < 250)    // time for ~250 us
      elapsed = micros() - startTimeMicros;
    if (elapsed > maxTime)
      maxTime = elapsed;    // if the elapsed time is greater than the previous max, save it
    buzzer.playCheck();   // check if it's time to play the next note and play it if so
  Serial.print("max elapsed = ");
  Serial.println(" us");


It sounds like you might not have the buzzer control jumper in place. This jumper is not connected by default, but it is required to use the Zumo buzzer. The jumper allows you to select which PWM output of the Arduino controls the buzzer. If you are using an Arduino Uno or older Arduino (with an ATmega328P or ATmega168 microcontroller), you should place the jumper between “BZ” and the pin labeled “328P”. If you are using an Arduino Leonardo (with an ATmega32U4 microcontroller), the jumper should be between “BZ” and the pin labeled “32U4”. More information about the buzzer control jumper, including its location on the Zumo Shield, can be found in the “Jumper settings” section of the user’s guide.


Thank you! Sorry I didn’t dive into the manual to find this.