Zumo compass

Hi, I recently purchased a zumo shield and used it with the a star prime. I tried loading the sketch for the LSM303 but I received no response from the serial monitor. Thank you for your help. Also, I am pretty new to electronics to I didn’t understand what traces to cut like the manual guide said.


If your plan is to mount the A-Star Prime normally (i.e. on top of the Zumo so that the Zumo Shield is beneath it), then the SCL and SDA pins should just plug directly into the shield and you should be able to use our LSM303 library without hardware modifications. Which sketch did you load? Do you see serial output from other examples? Can you post pictures that clearly show your A-Star Prime mounted on top of the Zumo shield?


Hi, I realized that in the process of soldering I accidentally scratched on the back of the shield exposing a tiny bit of what looks like copper, I wondered if that could have cut the trace to the sensor. Thank you for your quick reply.


Can you post pictures of the board showing the scratch here so I can see if it looks like the trace might have been damaged?


Thank you for your help


Your board is quite scratched, but I do not see any traces that look like they were cut (although it is a bit unclear from your pictures).

However, a lot of soldered connections are not good. You should look at the Adafruit Guide to Excellent Soldering and fix any connections that look like the problems shown in the “Common Soldering Problems” section of the guide.
