Xbee 3pi simple integration

Hello guys,
I had to add a wireless interface to the pololu 3pi for my research study.
So I have added a simple xbee adapter circuit to interface PD0 PD1 to the RX TX.
I have put a simple explanation here http://www.epokh.org/blog/index.php
with a video of me testing it.
I have also wrote a nice logging program (C POSIX) to save in a csv file the input sensors and motor outputs in the host pc.
I’m planning to put everything (hardware+software) on my github repository.
Also I would like to know if there’s an interest in the adapter pcb, in that case I can print and assemble a batch of boards.


The software is available on this https://github.com/robomotic/Xbee-Pololu-3pi