Would it be possible to use a wixel to talk with a NRF24L01+

So my question is simple enough… i’d like to use a wixel as a tiny wireless module that can talk to a base arduino using a NRF24l01+

I have all of the headers and libraries needed to run the NRF24l01+, is it possible to write an app that configures the wixel wireless in such a way that the wixel acts like the nrf24?

Both transceivers are on the 2.4 GHz channel.


Hello. Unfortunately, the CC2511F32 on the Wixel uses a proprietary radio protocol that is most likely different from the NRF24L01+'s protocol, so the two devices are unlikely to work together.


Thanks for the speedy answer. Would you happen to know how many wixels can be configured to a base station using a wixel to communicate?

My project plans to implant wixels inside of several footballs and watch the wireless data from several balls at different times…


There is no theoretical limit on how many Wixels can talk to each other at a time. For your application, it sounds like our wireless_adc_tx and wireless_adc_rx apps in the Wixel SDK might be a good starting point because they support one or more transmitters sending a stream of data to one or more receivers. Let us know how it goes!
