Wixel 12-Bit ADC


I’m working with photodiode sensors and I am looking to maximise my resolution. The Wixel documentation states that there is a 12-Bit adc (0 - 4095) however the output seem to be only 11-bit (0 - 2047). Can anyone help me locate the missing bit.


Hello. Unfortunately, that is the best you can get. If you take a differential reading with the ADC, you get 12 bits of data and one of them is the sign bit. If you just take a normal reading, the sign bit is supposed to be always zero (non-negative result) so there are only really 11 bits of data.

What voltage range does your sensor output? Have you looked into using the Wixel’s internal voltage reference with the ADC?


Another thing you could try would be to take multiple samples and add/average them together.



Yeah, I’m doing that already and using the 1.25V reference internal to boost the resolution.

Thanks anyway,