VL53L0XV2 vs VL53L0X vs VL53L1X


I need 15 distances sensors for my project, I was able to get a VL53L0XV2 from a local provider. I saw the VL53L0X has more pins, is it the same sensor from the performance viewpoint?

Does the VL53L1X provides something else than increased range than VL53L0X? some datasheets (and other no) state it has higher measuring frequency?

I plan to use those sensors with the Polulu I²C Long-Distance Differential Extender, any experience with it? 5 sensores connected to one Arduino mega 2560. Length of cable goes from 5 to 20 meters.

Thanks for help,



Hi, Jim.

We have not heard of a VL53L0XV2 sensor, and I don’t see any such thing on ST’s site. I found a few Google search results for it, but it looks like “VL53L0XV2” might be the name of a particular carrier board for the VL53L0X.

In general, increased range is the main difference between the L1X and L0X, although there some other differences like the new ability to select the ROI (region of interest) on the L1X (we haven’t tried doing anything with this yet, though). We have not tested these sensors specifically with the I2C extender, although I don’t really expect any problems using them together. However, note that there is a specific process you need to use to address multiple sensors on the same I2C bus, which might require additional wiring that the extender does not help with.


Hi Kevin,

Thanks for your message. I am ok with the addressing of different devices on I²C bus, I read the relative topic. As far I understood I will have to put a par resistor pullup on the SDA, SCL lines when using 5 sensors.

Regarding “which might require additional wiring that the extender does not help with.”, do you refer to the connection of all XSHUT pins of VL53s?


Yes, you need to enable each sensor individually and assign it a unique address before continuing with the next sensor, so you’ll need control of the XSHUT line on each one.


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