VL53L0X and VL6180X (Multiple) Issues

I recently purchased two short range Time of Flights(VL6180X) and two long range Time of Flights(VL53L0X) and I’m having a bit of troubling configuring them all at the same time. I am using the Polulu library for both and when running them in single-range mode, I wasn’t having any issues. When I attempted to switch to Continuous mode however, everything messed up, and my I2C scanner was only able to pick up 2 I2C addresses, being one from the short range sensor and one from the long range sensor. When I switched back to the Single-Range mode, everything was still broken. I tried resetting the board and everything but all I get are 2 I2C addresses, and none of the lasers are giving me any data(either 255, 0, or 65535/TIMEOUT). I am using the XSHUT pin and the setAddress() function to individually change the address for each pin. If anyone has any possible explanations for my problem that would be great. If you have any further questions to help feel free to ask.

(The first part of the loop code is the I2C Scanner so you can ignore that)

Below is the code for both Singular and Continuous:

Multiple ToF’s Singular

/* The range readings are in units of mm. */
> #define GPIO_PIN1 4  //laser number: 1 pin #3
> #define GPIO_PIN2 5  //laser number: 3 
> #define GPIO_PINL1 6 //laser number: 2
> #define GPIO_PINL2 7 //laser number: 4*/

> #include <Wire.h>
> #include <VL6180X.h> //tof short range polulu library
> #include <VL53L0X.h> //tof long range polulu library

> VL6180X laser1; //init laser var1 SHORT
> VL6180X laser2; //init laser var2 SHORT
> VL53L0X laser3; //init laser var3 LONG
> VL53L0X laser4; //init laser var4 LONG

> unsigned long curr_time;
> int i = 0; //init iteration loop var

> void setup()
> {

>   pinMode(GPIO_PIN1, OUTPUT); //set XSHUT as OUTPUT
>   pinMode(GPIO_PIN2, OUTPUT); //set XSHUT of second laser as OUTPUT
>   pinMode(GPIO_PINL1, OUTPUT); //set XSHUT of third laser as OUTPUT
>   pinMode(GPIO_PINL2, OUTPUT); //set XSHUT of fourth laser as OUTPUT
>   digitalWrite(GPIO_PIN2, LOW); //reset XSHUT of second laser
>   digitalWrite(GPIO_PINL1, LOW); //reset XSHUT of third laser
>   digitalWrite(GPIO_PINL2, LOW); //reset XSHUT of fourth laser
>   digitalWrite(GPIO_PIN1, LOW); //reset XSHUT of first laser

>   delay(500);

>   Serial.begin(115200); //set baud rate to max to maximize rs232 -> sensor speed
>   Wire.begin(); //init i2c as master

>   Serial.println("Quad Distance Sensors");

>   digitalWrite(GPIO_PIN2, HIGH); //begin writing to XSHUT of first laser
>   delay(50); //delay
>   laser2.init(); //init laser object, look for it
>   laser2.configureDefault(); //laser config
>   laser2.setTimeout(500); //in case you can't find the laser object, timeout for this long
>   laser2.setAddress(0x26);

>   digitalWrite(GPIO_PINL1, HIGH); //begin writing to XSHUT of first laser
>   delay(50); //delay
>   laser3.init(); //init laser object, look for it
>   //laser3.configureDefault(); //laser config
>   laser3.setTimeout(500); //in case you can't find the laser object, timeout for this long
>   laser3.setAddress(0x27);

>   digitalWrite(GPIO_PIN1, HIGH); //begin writing to XSHUT of first laser
>   delay(50); //delay
>   laser1.init(); //init laser object, look for it
>   laser1.configureDefault(); //laser config
>   laser1.setTimeout(500); //in case you can't find the laser object, timeout for this long
>   laser1.setAddress(0x25);

>   digitalWrite(GPIO_PINL2, HIGH); //begin writing to XSHUT of first laser
>   delay(50); //delay
>   laser4.init(); //init laser object, look for it
>   //laser4.configureDefault(); //laser config
>   laser4.setTimeout(500); //in case you can't find the laser object, timeout for this long
>   laser4.setAddress(0x28);
> }

> void loop()
> {
>   if (i == 0)
>   {
>     byte error, address;
>     int nDevices;

>     Serial.println("Scanning...");

>     nDevices = 0;
>     for (address = 1; address < 127; address++ )
>     {
>       // The i2c_scanner uses the return value of
>       // the Write.endTransmisstion to see if
>       // a device did acknowledge to the address.
>       Wire.beginTransmission(address);
>       error = Wire.endTransmission();

>       if (error == 0)
>       {
>         Serial.print("I2C device found at address 0x");
>         if (address < 16)
>           Serial.print("0");
>         Serial.print(address, HEX);
>         Serial.println("  !");

>         nDevices++;
>       }
>       else if (error == 4)
>       {
>         Serial.print("Unknown error at address 0x");
>         if (address < 16)
>           Serial.print("0");
>         Serial.println(address, HEX);
>       }
>     }
>     if (nDevices == 0)
>       Serial.println("No I2C devices found\n");
>     else
>       Serial.println("done\n");

>     delay(5000);           // wait 5 seconds for next scan
>   }
>   if (i < 10000)
>   {
>     curr_time = millis(); //get the current time
>     Wire.beginTransmission(37); //0x25 address for laser1
>     Serial.print("l1 "); Serial.print(laser1.readRangeSingleMillimeters()); //label with l1 and get the laser reading (mm)
>     if (laser1.timeoutOccurred())
>     {
>       Serial.print(" TIMEOUT");  //if the laser isn't found, print TIMEOUT
>     }
>     Wire.endTransmission(); //end transmission to laser1

>     Wire.beginTransmission(38); //0x26 address for laser2
>     Serial.print(" l2 ");  Serial.print(laser2.readRangeSingleMillimeters()); //label with l2 and get the laser reading (mm)
>     if (laser2.timeoutOccurred())
>     {
>       Serial.print(" TIMEOUT");  //if the laser isn't found, print TIMEOUT
>     }
>     Wire.endTransmission(); //end transmission to laser2

>     Wire.beginTransmission(39); //0x27 address for laser3
>     Serial.print(" l3 ");  Serial.print(laser3.readRangeSingleMillimeters()); //label with l3 and get the laser reading (mm)
>     if (laser3.timeoutOccurred())
>     {
>       Serial.print(" TIMEOUT");  //if the laser isn't found, print TIMEOUT
>     }
>     Wire.endTransmission(); //end transmission to laser2

>     Wire.beginTransmission(40); //0x28 address for laser4
>     Serial.print(" l4 ");  Serial.print(laser4.readRangeSingleMillimeters()); //label with l4 and get the laser reading (mm)
>     if (laser4.timeoutOccurred())
>     {
>       Serial.print(" TIMEOUT");  //if the laser isn't found, print TIMEOUT
>     }
>     Wire.endTransmission(); //end transmission to laser4

     Serial.print(" t "); Serial.print(curr_time); //label with t and print out the current time
     Serial.println(); //start new line

ToF Continuous

/* The range readings are in units of mm. */
#define GPIO_PIN1 4  //laser number: 1 pin #3
#define GPIO_PIN2 5  //laser number: 3 
#define GPIO_PINL1 6 //laser number: 2
#define GPIO_PINL2 7 //laser number: 4*/
#include <Wire.h>
#include <VL6180X.h> //tof short range polulu library
#include <VL53L0X.h> //tof long range polulu library
VL6180X laser1; //init laser var1 SHORT
VL6180X laser2; //init laser var2 SHORT
VL53L0X laser3; //init laser var3 LONG
VL53L0X laser4; //init laser var4 LONG
unsigned long curr_time;
int i = 0; //init iteration loop var
void setup()
  pinMode(GPIO_PIN1, OUTPUT); //set XSHUT as OUTPUT
  pinMode(GPIO_PIN2, OUTPUT); //set XSHUT of second laser as OUTPUT
  pinMode(GPIO_PINL1, OUTPUT); //set XSHUT of third laser as OUTPUT
  pinMode(GPIO_PINL2, OUTPUT); //set XSHUT of fourth laser as OUTPUT
  digitalWrite(GPIO_PIN2, LOW); //reset XSHUT of second laser
  digitalWrite(GPIO_PINL1, LOW); //reset XSHUT of third laser
  digitalWrite(GPIO_PINL2, LOW); //reset XSHUT of fourth laser
  digitalWrite(GPIO_PIN1, LOW); //reset XSHUT of first laser
  Serial.begin(115200); //set baud rate to max to maximize rs232 -> sensor speed
  Wire.begin(); //init i2c as master
  Serial.println("Quad Distance Sensors");
  digitalWrite(GPIO_PIN2, HIGH); //begin writing to XSHUT of first laser
  delay(50); //delay
  laser2.init(); //init laser object, look for it
  laser2.configureDefault(); //laser config
  laser2.writeReg(VL6180X::SYSRANGE__MAX_CONVERGENCE_TIME, 30);
  laser2.writeReg16Bit(VL6180X::SYSALS__INTEGRATION_PERIOD, 50);
  laser2.setTimeout(500); //in case you can't find the laser object, timeout for this long
  digitalWrite(GPIO_PINL1, HIGH); //begin writing to XSHUT of first laser
  delay(50); //delay
  laser3.init(); //init laser object, look for it
  //laser3.configureDefault(); //laser config
  laser3.setTimeout(500); //in case you can't find the laser object, timeout for this long
  digitalWrite(GPIO_PINL2, HIGH); //begin writing to XSHUT of first laser
  delay(50); //delay
  laser4.init(); //init laser object, look for it
  //laser4.configureDefault(); //laser config
  laser4.setTimeout(500); //in case you can't find the laser object, timeout for this long
  /*digitalWrite(GPIO_PIN1, HIGH); //begin writing to XSHUT of first laser
  delay(50); //delay
  laser1.init(); //init laser object, look for it
  laser1.configureDefault(); //laser config
  laser1.writeReg(VL6180X::SYSRANGE__MAX_CONVERGENCE_TIME, 30);
  laser1.writeReg16Bit(VL6180X::SYSALS__INTEGRATION_PERIOD, 50);
  laser1.setTimeout(500); //in case you can't find the laser object, timeout for this long
void loop()
  if (i == 0)
    byte error, address;
    int nDevices;
    nDevices = 0;
    for (address = 1; address < 127; address++ )
      // The i2c_scanner uses the return value of
      // the Write.endTransmisstion to see if
      // a device did acknowledge to the address.
      error = Wire.endTransmission();
      if (error == 0)
        Serial.print("I2C device found at address 0x");
        if (address < 16)
        Serial.print(address, HEX);
        Serial.println("  !");
      else if (error == 4)
        Serial.print("Unknown error at address 0x");
        if (address < 16)
        Serial.println(address, HEX);
    if (nDevices == 0)
      Serial.println("No I2C devices found\n");
    delay(5000);           // wait 5 seconds for next scan
  if (i < 10000)
    curr_time = millis(); //get the current time
    Wire.beginTransmission(37); //0x25 address for laser1
    Serial.print("l1 "); Serial.print(laser1.readRangeContinuousMillimeters()); //label with l1 and get the laser reading (mm)
    if (laser1.timeoutOccurred())
      Serial.print(" TIMEOUT");  //if the laser isn't found, print TIMEOUT
    Wire.endTransmission(); //end transmission to laser1
    Wire.beginTransmission(38); //0x26 address for laser2
    Serial.print(" l2 ");  Serial.print(laser2.readRangeContinuousMillimeters()); //label with l2 and get the laser reading (mm)
    if (laser2.timeoutOccurred())
      Serial.print(" TIMEOUT");  //if the laser isn't found, print TIMEOUT
    Wire.endTransmission(); //end transmission to laser2
    Wire.beginTransmission(39); //0x27 address for laser3
    Serial.print(" l3 ");  Serial.print(laser3.readRangeContinuousMillimeters()); //label with l3 and get the laser reading (mm)
    if (laser3.timeoutOccurred())
      Serial.print(" TIMEOUT");  //if the laser isn't found, print TIMEOUT
    Wire.endTransmission(); //end transmission to laser2
    Wire.beginTransmission(40); //0x28 address for laser4
    Serial.print(" l4 ");  Serial.print(laser4.readRangeContinuousMillimeters()); //label with l4 and get the laser reading (mm)
    if (laser4.timeoutOccurred())
      Serial.print(" TIMEOUT");  //if the laser isn't found, print TIMEOUT
    Wire.endTransmission(); //end transmission to laser4
    Serial.print(" t "); Serial.print(curr_time); //label with t and print out the current time
    Serial.println(); //start new line


When you reset the board, did you switch everything in your system off? Have you tried disconnecting any of the boards to see if any of them work without the others? It might be helpful to try our code with just one sensor attached at a time to verify the sensors are working correctly. Have you added any other sources of electrical noise like motors or relays to your system?


All of the other components on my system were turned off, however I will test if there is any noise between the other components (There are motors and other devices on as well). The strange thing is that originally all of the components were working, but right when I ran the code for continuous mode, everything stopped working, even when I went back to my original code.

Another thing is that once I set the I2C addresses, my scanner only picks up 0x26 and 0x27. Even when I restart the board and run different code, it still can only pick up 0x26 and 0x27.

how did you solve problem?

My understanding as the manual states up to 3 devices not 4. Just a cheeky thought!