Using the micro dual serial motor controller

Hi Paul,

I am back. It is indeed the electrical noise that is impairing the motor controller. After I soldered the capacitors onto the terminals of the motor, it worked perfectly.
Thanks alot for your help, really appreciate it!
However, I would like to go in depth as to what exactly happen?
How does the capacitors suppress the noise?
Is there electrical noise at all? As far as my lecturer told me, there is no noise. it is another thing. Something to do with charges…

Kindly advise

Thanks and Regards,
Vincent Chung

Hello, anybody home?

Using a motor will almost certainly put all kinds of electrical noise into your system, so I have no idea what your lecturer is talking about (and just about everything in electronics has “something to do with charges”). The noise we’re talking about is undesired fluctuations in lines we expect to have DC (i.e. no variation in time). Putting capacitors on such lines reduces the noise since the caps don’t allow quick changes in the voltage across them.

- Jan

Hi, thanks a lot for ypur reply