Usb programmer, avr 6.1 sp2, windows8

I have the Usb programmer and i installed its drivers, avr 6.1 sp2 and i have windows8.
It seems to be recognized good but when i go to the avr and i select the STK500 as written in the manual, it crashes.
I’m using a orangutan-328 and whether it is connected or not,it crashes.the red led on the programmer keeps on blink from the moment i attach it to the usb.
It happens every time.I tried to unistall everything and install again but it does the same.
Whan can I do?Is windows 8 fully supported?
Thank you,


I am sorry you are having trouble with Atmel Studio. This a bug that started happening in recent versions of Atmel Studio; I think it didn’t happen in Atmel Studio 6.0. Luckily there is an easy workaround to the bug. Please open up the .cproj file for your project in a text editor, and remove the comment that says “”.

We have reported the bug to Atmel and also hope to make an updated version of our library soon that fixes this. Windows 8 is fully supported.
