The Pololu Forum has moved to Discourse

We have changed the forum software from phpBB to Discourse. We migrated user accounts and posts, so you should still be able to use your same forum username and password to log in.

Discourse is a modern, open-source forum package with a lot of benefits over phpBB:

  • A live preview when composing a post.
  • Topics and forums use “infinite scrolling” instead of getting broken up into pages.
  • Easier to use on phones and tablets.
  • You can “like” a post.
  • Statistics, badges, and trust levels.
  • Better spam protection and flagging.
  • HTTPS: the whole forum is now encrypted.

You can read a lot more about Discourse on its “About” page. If you have any suggestions or feedback on the change, you can reply to this post or make your own topic in the “About the Pololu Forum” category.


If your username had a space in it on the old forum, it has been replaced by an underscore (_). Please contact us, if you would like us to change your username.

I came today to revisit a topic I’d started years ago, that was full of important information. I can’t see any way of getting back to it, and I don’t see any history here. Does that mean its all gone?


Sorry you cannot find your post. All of the posts of the old forum should have been migrated to this forum, and if you bookmarked a URL for the old forum, it should redirect to the new post.

Here are all the topics you participated in: You can also search in the upper right.

If you tell me more about it, I can probably track it down for you. If it somehow didn’t get migrated, I can look at our old forum backup for it.
