Strange values from L3GD20H using auto increment


I need some help in figuring out why my L3GD20H gyro is giving me strange values when using auto increment. The sensor is embedded into the AltIMU-10 v4,

I am using a Raspberry Pi Zero to talk over i2c with the IMU. The auto increment work just fine for the LPS25H and LSM303D. Below is my header and source file for the L3GD20H


// L3GD20H.cpp: L3GD20H, gyro sensor library

// Includes
#include "L3GD20H.h"

// Initialize object
L3GD20H::L3GD20H(uint8 address) {
	_address = address;
	_status  = (uint8) SENSOR_NOT_INIT;
	int8 fileID;
	char const *device = "/dev/i2c-1";
	if (((fileID = open(device, O_RDWR)) < 0) || (ioctl(fileID, I2C_SLAVE, _address) < 0)) {
		printf("L3GD20H could not be initialize\n");
		_status = (uint8) SENSOR_ERROR_INIT;
	} else {
		printf("L3GD20H initialized at %i\n", address);
		_status = (uint8) SENSOR_OK;
		_fileID = fileID;
		// Configure sensor
		int8 didWrite = 0;
		// Enable XYZ gyro axis at 200 Hz, normal mode
		didWrite |= i2c_smbus_write_byte_data(_fileID, CTRL1, 0b01011111);
		// Continues data with scaling 500 deg/s 
		didWrite |= i2c_smbus_write_byte_data(_fileID, CTRL4, 0b00010000);
		// Set error code if something went wrong
		if (didWrite < 0) {
			_status |= (uint8) SENSOR_ERROR_CONF;

// Read sensor data to buffer
void L3GD20H::read() {
	// Array with registers to read
	uint8 regLen      = 6;
	uint8 reg[regLen] = {OUT_X_L, OUT_X_H, OUT_Y_L, OUT_Y_H,
		OUT_Z_L, OUT_Z_H};
	// Group registers for auto incrementation
	uint8 groupRegLen 			= 1;
	uint8 groupReg[groupRegLen] = {6};
	// Read data
	int16 readByte;
	int8  didRead = 0;
	uint8 regi    = 0;
	for (uint8 regGroupi = 0; regGroupi < groupRegLen; regGroupi++) {
		// Read first byte using register address explicitly, set auto increment bit
		readByte           = i2c_smbus_read_byte_data(_fileID, (reg[regi] | 0b10000000));
		_buffer[reg[regi]] = (uint8) readByte;
		didRead           |= (int8) (readByte >> 8);
		regi ++;
		// Read remaining bytes (if any) implicitly by auto incrementing the register
		for (uint8 groupi = 1; groupi < groupReg[regGroupi]; groupi++) {
			readByte           = i2c_smbus_read_byte(_fileID);
			_buffer[reg[regi]] = (uint8) readByte;
			didRead           |= (int8) (readByte >> 8);
			regi ++;
	// Set error code if something went wrong
	if (didRead < 0) {
		_status |= (uint8) SENSOR_ERROR_READ;
	} else {
		_status &= (uint8) ~SENSOR_ERROR_READ;

// Returns angular rate about x [deg/s]
float L3GD20H::getAngularRateX() {
	int16 rawAngRateX = (_buffer[OUT_X_H] << 8) | _buffer[OUT_X_L];
	float angRateX    = float(rawAngRateX)*float(GYRO_SCALE)/float(GYRO_RESOLUTION);
	return angRateX;

// Returns angular rate about y [deg/s]
float L3GD20H::getAngularRateY() {
	int16 rawAngRateY = (_buffer[OUT_Y_H] << 8) | _buffer[OUT_Y_L];
	float angRateY    = float(rawAngRateY)*float(GYRO_SCALE)/float(GYRO_RESOLUTION);
	return angRateY;

// Returns angular rate about z [deg/s]
float L3GD20H::getAngularRateZ() {
	int16 rawAngRateZ = (_buffer[OUT_Z_H] << 8) | _buffer[OUT_Z_L];
	float angRateZ    = float(rawAngRateZ)*float(GYRO_SCALE)/float(GYRO_RESOLUTION);
	return angRateZ;

// Returns sensor status
uint8 L3GD20H::getStatus() {
	return _status;


/* L3GD20H.h: L3GD20H, gyro sensor library
Title: L3GD20H sensor library

For data sheet see,

#ifndef L3GD20H_H
#define L3GD20H_H

// Includes
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <linux/i2c-dev.h>
#include "GenFunc.h"
#include "DataTypes.h"

// Register addresses
#define WHO_AM_I    0x0F

#define CTRL1       0x20
#define CTRL2       0x21
#define CTRL3       0x22
#define CTRL4       0x23
#define CTRL5       0x24

#define REFERENCE   0x25

#define OUT_TEMP    0x26

#define STATUS      0x27

#define OUT_X_L     0x28
#define OUT_X_H     0x29
#define OUT_Y_L     0x2A
#define OUT_Y_H     0x2B
#define OUT_Z_L     0x2C
#define OUT_Z_H     0x2D

#define FIFO_CTRL   0x2E
#define FIFO_SRC    0x2F

#define IG_CFG      0x30
#define IG_SRC      0x31

#define IG_THS_XH   0x32
#define IG_THS_XL   0x33
#define IG_THS_YH   0x34
#define IG_THS_YL   0x35
#define IG_THS_ZH   0x36
#define IG_THS_ZL   0x37

#define IG_DURATION 0x38

#define LOW_ODR     0x39

// Sensor scale
#define GYRO_SCALE 500 // [deg/s]

// Sensor resolution
#define GYRO_RESOLUTION 32767 // 2^15-1 (16-bit signed integer)

// Bit mask for sensor status
#define SENSOR_OK         0
#define SENSOR_NOT_INIT   1

// L3GD20H class
class L3GD20H {
	// Constructor for L3GD20H instance. Requires input of I2C address
	L3GD20H(uint8 address);
	// Read sensor data to buffer
	void read();

	// Returns angular rate about x [deg/s]
	float getAngularRateX();
	// Returns angular rate about y [deg/s]
	float getAngularRateY();
	// Returns angular rate about z [deg/s]
	float getAngularRateZ();
	// Returns sensor status
	uint8 getStatus();
	// I2C address & file ID
	uint8  _address;
	int8   _fileID;
	// Buffer to store data
	uint8  _buffer[64];
	// Sensor status
	uint8 _status;


When I am not using auto increment it work fine. Below are two figures without/with auto increment. Note the strange values for the gyro (offset and very noisy).

Without Auto Increment

With Auto Increment

I need your support. I have read though the data sheet but I can’t find the reason for this. What am I missing?

Thanks in advance!

Below is the source code for L3GD20H without using auto increment and the source code for another sensor, LSM303D, using auto increment.

L3GD20H.cpp without auto increment

// L3GD20H.cpp: L3GD20H, gyro sensor library

// Includes
#include "L3GD20H.h"

// Initialize object
L3GD20H::L3GD20H(uint8 address) {
	_address = address;
	_status  = (uint8) SENSOR_NOT_INIT;
	int8 fileID;
	char const *device = "/dev/i2c-1";
	if (((fileID = open(device, O_RDWR)) < 0) || (ioctl(fileID, I2C_SLAVE, _address) < 0)) {
		printf("L3GD20H could not be initialize\n");
		_status = (uint8) SENSOR_ERROR_INIT;
	} else {
		printf("L3GD20H initialized at %i\n", address);
		_status = (uint8) SENSOR_OK;
		_fileID = fileID;
		// Configure sensor
		int8 didWrite = 0;
		// Enable XYZ gyro axis at 200 Hz, normal mode
		didWrite |= i2c_smbus_write_byte_data(_fileID, CTRL1, 0b01011111);
		// Continues data with scaling 500 deg/s 
		didWrite |= i2c_smbus_write_byte_data(_fileID, CTRL4, 0b00010000);
		// Set error code if something went wrong
		if (didWrite < 0) {
			_status |= (uint8) SENSOR_ERROR_CONF;

// Read sensor data to buffer
void L3GD20H::read() {
	// Array with registers to read
	uint8 regLen      = 6;
	uint8 reg[regLen] = {OUT_X_L, OUT_X_H, OUT_Y_L, OUT_Y_H,
		OUT_Z_L, OUT_Z_H};
	// Read from sensor
	int16 readByte;
	int8  didRead = 0;
	for (uint8 regi = 0; regi < regLen; regi++) {
		readByte           = i2c_smbus_read_byte_data(_fileID, reg[regi]);
		_buffer[reg[regi]] = (uint8) readByte;
		didRead           |= (int8) (readByte >> 8);
	// Set error code if something went wrong
	if (didRead < 0) {
		_status |= (uint8) SENSOR_ERROR_READ;
	} else {
		_status &= (uint8) ~SENSOR_ERROR_READ;

// Returns angular rate about x [deg/s]
float L3GD20H::getAngularRateX() {
	int16 rawAngRateX = (_buffer[OUT_X_H] << 8) | _buffer[OUT_X_L];
	float angRateX    = float(rawAngRateX)*float(GYRO_SCALE)/float(GYRO_RESOLUTION);
	return angRateX;

// Returns angular rate about y [deg/s]
float L3GD20H::getAngularRateY() {
	int16 rawAngRateY = (_buffer[OUT_Y_H] << 8) | _buffer[OUT_Y_L];
	float angRateY    = float(rawAngRateY)*float(GYRO_SCALE)/float(GYRO_RESOLUTION);
	return angRateY;

// Returns angular rate about z [deg/s]
float L3GD20H::getAngularRateZ() {
	int16 rawAngRateZ = (_buffer[OUT_Z_H] << 8) | _buffer[OUT_Z_L];
	float angRateZ    = float(rawAngRateZ)*float(GYRO_SCALE)/float(GYRO_RESOLUTION);
	return angRateZ;

// Returns sensor status
uint8 L3GD20H::getStatus() {
	return _status;

LSM303D.cpp with auto increment

// LSM303D.cpp: LSM303D, accelerometer and magnetometer sensor library

// Includes
#include "LSM303D.h"

// Initialize object
LSM303D::LSM303D(uint8 address) {
	_address = address;
	_status  = (uint8) SENSOR_NOT_INIT;
	int8 fileID;
	char const *device = "/dev/i2c-1";
	if (((fileID = open(device, O_RDWR)) < 0) || (ioctl(fileID, I2C_SLAVE, _address) < 0)) {
		printf("LSM303D could not be initialize\n");
		_status = (uint8) SENSOR_ERROR_INIT;
	} else {
		printf("LSM303D initialized at %i\n", address);
		_status = (uint8) SENSOR_OK;
		_fileID = fileID;
		// Configure sensor
		int8 didWrite = 0;
		// Enable XYZ accelerometer axis for continues output at 200 Hz
		didWrite |= i2c_smbus_write_byte_data(_fileID, CTRL1, 0b01110111);
		// Accelerometer scale selection, ± 4 g
		didWrite |= i2c_smbus_write_byte_data(_fileID, CTRL2, 0b00001000);
		/* Enable and temperature sensor at 6.25 Hz (also magnetometer rate),
		high resolution */
		didWrite |= i2c_smbus_write_byte_data(_fileID, CTRL5, 0b11100100);
		// Magnetometer scale selection, ± 4 gauss
		didWrite |= i2c_smbus_write_byte_data(_fileID, CTRL6, 0b00100000);
		// Magnetometer normal, continuous-conversion mode
		didWrite |= i2c_smbus_write_byte_data(_fileID, CTRL7, 0b00000000);
		// Set error code if something went wrong
		if (didWrite < 0) {
            _status |= (uint8) SENSOR_ERROR_CONF;

// Read sensor data to buffer
void LSM303D::read() {
	// Array with registers to read
	uint8 regLen      = 12;
	uint8 reg[regLen] = {OUT_X_L_A, OUT_X_H_A, OUT_Y_L_A, OUT_Y_H_A,
	// Group registers for auto incrementation
	uint8 groupRegLen 			= 2;
	uint8 groupReg[groupRegLen] = {6 6};
	// Read data
	int16 readByte;
	int8  didRead = 0;
	uint8 regi    = 0;
	for (uint8 regGroupi = 0; regGroupi < groupRegLen; regGroupi++) {
		// Read first byte using register address explicitly, set auto increment bit
		readByte           = i2c_smbus_read_byte_data(_fileID, (reg[regi] | 0b10000000));
		_buffer[reg[regi]] = (uint8) readByte;
		didRead           |= (int8) (readByte >> 8);
		regi ++;
		// Read remaining bytes (if any) implicitly by auto incrementing the register
		for (uint8 groupi = 1; groupi < groupReg[regGroupi]; groupi++) {
			readByte           = i2c_smbus_read_byte(_fileID);
			_buffer[reg[regi]] = (uint8) readByte;
			didRead           |= (int8) (readByte >> 8);
			regi ++;

	// Set error code if something went wrong
	if (didRead < 0) {
		_status |= (uint8) SENSOR_ERROR_READ;
	} else {
		_status &= (uint8) ~SENSOR_ERROR_READ;

// Returns acceleration component in x [g]
float LSM303D::getAccelerationX() {
	int16 rawAccX = (_buffer[OUT_X_H_A] << 8) | _buffer[OUT_X_L_A];
	float accX    = float(rawAccX)*float(ACC_SCALE)/float(ACC_RESOLUTION);
	return accX;

// Returns acceleration component in y [g]
float LSM303D::getAccelerationY() {
	int16 rawAccY = (_buffer[OUT_Y_H_A] << 8) | _buffer[OUT_Y_L_A];
	float accY    = float(rawAccY)*float(ACC_SCALE)/float(ACC_RESOLUTION);
	return accY;

// Returns acceleration component in z [g]
float LSM303D::getAccelerationZ() {
	int16 rawAccZ = (_buffer[OUT_Z_H_A] << 8) | _buffer[OUT_Z_L_A];
	float accZ    = float(rawAccZ)*float(ACC_SCALE)/float(ACC_RESOLUTION);
	return accZ;

// Returns magnetic field component in x [gauss]
float LSM303D::getMagneticFieldX() {
	int16 rawMagX = (_buffer[OUT_X_H_M] << 8) | _buffer[OUT_X_L_M];
	float magX    = float(rawMagX)*float(MAG_SCALE)/float(MAG_RESOLUTION);
	return magX;

// Returns magnetic field component in y [gauss]
float LSM303D::getMagneticFieldY() {
	int16 rawMagY = (_buffer[OUT_Y_H_M] << 8) | _buffer[OUT_Y_L_M];
	float magY    = float(rawMagY)*float(MAG_SCALE)/float(MAG_RESOLUTION);
	return magY;

// Returns magnetic field component in z [gauss]
float LSM303D::getMagneticFieldZ() {
	int16 rawMagZ = (_buffer[OUT_Z_H_M] << 8) | _buffer[OUT_Z_L_M];
	float magZ    = float(rawMagZ)*float(MAG_SCALE)/float(MAG_RESOLUTION);
	return magZ;

// Returns sensor status
uint8 LSM303D::getStatus() {
	return _status;


I don’t think I see anything obviously wrong with your source code. Could you show the code you use to read from the L3GD20H without auto-increment for comparison, and maybe the code for one of the other sensors (with auto-increment)?

Edited to add: It looks like your read() function basically calls i2c_smbus_read_byte_data() once for the first byte and i2c_smbus_read_byte() five times for the remaining bytes. I think that means it would be sending a NACK, STOP, START, and slave read address between reading each byte.

It’s not clear to me that this is a valid procedure to read multiple bytes; the datasheet describes reading all the bytes in a single transfer, with an ACK for each one except for a NACK for the last byte, which you could do with i2c_smbus_read_i2c_block_data(). However, I’m curious as to whether you’re using your method for the LPS25H and LSM303D and if it’s working for those sensors.


Hello Kevin,

Thank you for your reply. I will try using i2c_smbus_read_i2c_block_data() instead! As you say, it is strange that it works for the other sensors. I am still learning about i2c, but your reasoning regarding the NACK sound reasonable!

// Oscar

Problem solved using i2c_smbus_read_i2c_block_data. Thanks for the help Kevin! The gyro readings look good now, code is much sleeker and the sample rate has increased (which was my first goal). If anyone is interested, the code for L3GD20H looks like this now.


// L3GD20H.cpp: L3GD20H, gyro sensor library

// Includes
#include "L3GD20H.h"

// Initialize object
L3GD20H::L3GD20H(uint8 address) {
	_address = address;
	_status  = (uint8) SENSOR_NOT_INIT;
	int8 fileID;
	char const *device = "/dev/i2c-1";
	if (((fileID = open(device, O_RDWR)) < 0) || (ioctl(fileID, I2C_SLAVE, _address) < 0)) {
		printf("L3GD20H could not be initialize\n");
		_status = (uint8) SENSOR_ERROR_INIT;
	} else {
		printf("L3GD20H initialized at %i\n", address);
		_status = (uint8) SENSOR_OK;
		_fileID = fileID;
		// Configure sensor
		int8 didWrite = 0;
		// Enable XYZ gyro axis at 200 Hz, normal mode
		didWrite |= i2c_smbus_write_byte_data(_fileID, CTRL1, 0b01011111);
		// Continues data with scaling 500 deg/s 
		didWrite |= i2c_smbus_write_byte_data(_fileID, CTRL4, 0b00010000);
		// Set error code if something went wrong
		if (didWrite < 0) {
			_status |= (uint8) SENSOR_ERROR_CONF;

// Read sensor data to buffer
void L3GD20H::read() {
	// Track read status
	int8 didRead = 0;
	// Read angular rates. Auto increment: start at OUT_X_L and read GYRO_BUFFER_SIZE bytes
	didRead |= i2c_smbus_read_i2c_block_data(_fileID, (OUT_X_L | L3GD20H_AUTO_INCREMENT), 
		GYRO_BUFFER_SIZE, _bufferGyro);
	// Set error code if something went wrong
	if (didRead < 0) {
		_status |= (uint8) SENSOR_ERROR_READ;
	} else {
		_status &= (uint8) ~SENSOR_ERROR_READ;

// Returns angular rate about x [deg/s]
float L3GD20H::getAngularRateX() {
	int16 rawAngRateX = (_bufferGyro[GYRO_BUFFER_OUT_X_H] << 8) | _bufferGyro[GYRO_BUFFER_OUT_X_L];
	float angRateX    = float(rawAngRateX)*float(GYRO_SCALE)/float(GYRO_RESOLUTION);
	return angRateX;

// Returns angular rate about y [deg/s]
float L3GD20H::getAngularRateY() {
	int16 rawAngRateY = (_bufferGyro[GYRO_BUFFER_OUT_Y_H] << 8) | _bufferGyro[GYRO_BUFFER_OUT_Y_L];
	float angRateY    = float(rawAngRateY)*float(GYRO_SCALE)/float(GYRO_RESOLUTION);
	return angRateY;

// Returns angular rate about z [deg/s]
float L3GD20H::getAngularRateZ() {
	int16 rawAngRateZ = (_bufferGyro[GYRO_BUFFER_OUT_Z_H] << 8) | _bufferGyro[GYRO_BUFFER_OUT_Z_L];
	float angRateZ    = float(rawAngRateZ)*float(GYRO_SCALE)/float(GYRO_RESOLUTION);
	return angRateZ;

// Returns sensor status
uint8 L3GD20H::getStatus() {
	return _status;


/* L3GD20H.h: L3GD20H, gyro sensor library
Title: L3GD20H sensor library

For data sheet see,

#ifndef L3GD20H_H
#define L3GD20H_H

// Includes
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <linux/i2c-dev.h>
#include "GenFunc.h"
#include "DataTypes.h"

// Register addresses
#define WHO_AM_I    0x0F

#define CTRL1       0x20
#define CTRL2       0x21
#define CTRL3       0x22
#define CTRL4       0x23
#define CTRL5       0x24

#define REFERENCE   0x25

#define OUT_TEMP    0x26

#define STATUS      0x27

#define OUT_X_L     0x28
#define OUT_X_H     0x29
#define OUT_Y_L     0x2A
#define OUT_Y_H     0x2B
#define OUT_Z_L     0x2C
#define OUT_Z_H     0x2D

#define FIFO_CTRL   0x2E
#define FIFO_SRC    0x2F

#define IG_CFG      0x30
#define IG_SRC      0x31

#define IG_THS_XH   0x32
#define IG_THS_XL   0x33
#define IG_THS_YH   0x34
#define IG_THS_YL   0x35
#define IG_THS_ZH   0x36
#define IG_THS_ZL   0x37

#define IG_DURATION 0x38

#define LOW_ODR     0x39

// Enable auto increment
#define L3GD20H_AUTO_INCREMENT 0b10000000

// Gyro buffer
#define GYRO_BUFFER_SIZE    6
#define GYRO_BUFFER_OUT_X_L 0x00
#define GYRO_BUFFER_OUT_X_H 0x01
#define GYRO_BUFFER_OUT_Y_L 0x02
#define GYRO_BUFFER_OUT_Y_H 0x03
#define GYRO_BUFFER_OUT_Z_L 0x04
#define GYRO_BUFFER_OUT_Z_H 0x05

// Sensor scale
#define GYRO_SCALE 500 // [deg/s]

// Sensor resolution
#define GYRO_RESOLUTION 32767 // 2^15-1 (16-bit signed integer)

// Bit mask for sensor status
#define SENSOR_OK         0
#define SENSOR_NOT_INIT   1

// L3GD20H class
class L3GD20H {
	// Constructor for L3GD20H instance. Requires input of I2C address
	L3GD20H(uint8 address);
	// Read sensor data to buffer
	void read();

	// Returns angular rate about x [deg/s]
	float getAngularRateX();
	// Returns angular rate about y [deg/s]
	float getAngularRateY();
	// Returns angular rate about z [deg/s]
	float getAngularRateZ();
	// Returns sensor status
	uint8 getStatus();
	// I2C address & file ID
	uint8  _address;
	int8   _fileID;
	// Buffer to store gyro data
	uint8  _bufferGyro[GYRO_BUFFER_SIZE];
	// Sensor status
	uint8 _status;


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