ShiftBar + Arduino problems

Cannot get ShiftBars to work. Copied sample code from site. Wired up as per sample wiring diagram. Driving a 2m strip of analog 5060 RGB LEDs (60 per meter) powered from a 300W supply. LEDs come on all white and stay on, no matter what the code says. Have tried with a single ShiftBar and up to 5 in the chain, no difference. Using Pololu 6-wire harnesses to connect them all. Help!

Removed the LED strips and placed a single LED on each of the ShiftBar outputs, no change. All 3 outputs come on full and stay on all the time, except when uploading code to the Arduino.


I am sorry you are having trouble controlling your ShiftBar. Can you tell me more about your setup? What LEDs are you trying to control? (It would be useful to have a link to a product page or a datasheet.) What sample code are you running? What is the voltage you are supplying from your power supply? Can you post pictures that clearly show how you have everything connected?


Turned out to be a faulty Arduino board.