Sensors qtr 8a doubt

sorry for my English a question few samples give the qtr sensors per second


It is not clear to me what you are asking. Can you rephrase your question or give some additional details about your problem?


numSamplesPerSensor parameter on a method parameter arduino nano maximum and maximum parameter for avr library


The ‘numSamplesPerSensor’ parameter is an unsigned char, so the maximum value would be 255. However, 255 is probably not a practical value for most applications that use this sensor. We recommend the ‘numSamplesPerSensor’ parameter remain 4. As we note in the comments for the QTRSensors.h library:

[quote]‘numSamplesPerSensor’ indicates the number of 10-bit analog samples to average per channel (i.e. per sensor) for each reading. The total number of analog-to-digital conversions performed will be equal to numSensors*numSamplesPerSensor.

Note that it takes about 100 us to perform a single analog-to-digital conversion, so:
if numSamplesPerSensor is 4 and numSensors is 6, it will take 4 * 6 * 100 us = ~2.5 ms to perform a full readLine(). Increasing this parameter increases noise suppression at the cost of sample rate. The recommended value is 4.[/quote]

I hope this helps you out.
