Quick question for new order: Confusion about TPS2113A

I plan to use an A-Star 32U4 Prime SV with a Dual MAX14870 Motor Driver Shield for Arduino to drive two low power 24V <300mA peristaltic pumps. I plan to power these with an external 120VAC to 24VDC power supply via the Motor driver shield, using the 24VDC from the motor shield to power the A-Star.

Do I need to purchase and install a “TPS2113A Power Multiplexer Carrier with USB Micro-B Connector” in order to safely connect to the A-Star board while also powering the motor controller via an external 24VDC supply?

Looking at the Arduino compatability table on this page, I can’t tell if the “USB/regulator power selection” indicates that the A-Star board includes the TPS2113A, or if that is calling out the part that is needed to support auto power selection capability.

Thanks in advance!


The A-Star 32U4 Prime boards have a built in power selection circuit that use the TPS2113A power multiplexer, so it is safe to power the A-Star board through VIN and connect it to USB at the same time. You can find more detailed information under the “Power” heading in the “A-Star 32U4 Prime pinout and components” section of the A-Star 32U4 user’s guide.


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Thanks, that is perfect.