Question about voltage divider circuit

I’m trying to work my way through an introductory text on electronics. I’m looking at a chapter about voltage divider circuits, and my experiment produces the correct results but I don’t understand why. Here’s a picture of my test:

What I don’t understand is how the second resistor (the one on the left) can affect the voltage of what comes before it. It’s not intuitive, to me at any rate, that the voltage at one point in the circuit could be affected by something the current hasn’t even gotten to yet.

Hope this makes sense. If so I’d appreciate any enlightenment



Hello Joe,

Do you understand how a dam can affect the flow of water in a river that comes before it? Or how construction on the highway can affect the traffic before it? If so, maybe keeping those examples in mind will help it seem more intuitive to you.

By the way, the electrons in a wire or resistor flow from negative to positive, so you were really asking about the wrong resistor. But in any case, electrons flow because of fields that push or pull from both sides, and those fields are why things far away can affect them.


Yes, that makes sense, thanks.