QTRX-MD-13RC and ESP32

I am working on improving my line following robot developed using your excellent QTRX-MD-13RC sensor and Arduino Uno R3 to the next level by adding Internet connectivity. So, I thought of replacing Arduino Uno R3 with ESP32 WROOM-32 DEVKIT V1 (aka NodeMCU ESP32). I am wondering whether your QTRX-MD-13RC sensor and QTRSensors.h Arduino library would work with ESP32? If not, is there any work around?

Looking forward to hearing from you,


Our Arduino library for the Pololu QTR Reflectance Sensors should support any Arduino-compatible board. To start, I suggest testing your ESP32 board with some of the library’s example programs with minimal modification, and if you have trouble with it, please let us know.

- Patrick