I developed a line following robot using your QTRX-MD-13RC, QTRSensors.h library and Arduino. It perfectly follows any type of 2cm line under indoor lighting but struggles and fails under outdoor sunlight and competition stage lighting conditions. I even used QTRReadMode::OnAndOff to cancel out effect from any ambient light but no success. Could you pls help me to get sorted out this problem?
If you are not doing so already, I strongly recommend calibrating your QTR sensors and making sure you are calibrating them properly (i.e. make sure each individual sensor is moved over and away from the line you want to follow and in the environment it is going to be used in).
It might be helpful to characterize of the problem by looking at the range of raw readings you get using the QTR sensors indoors versus the other settings where you are having trouble. That should help guide you through what modifications to try next and allow you to check what modifications have the most effect. For example, if you look at the raw readings and notice that the sensors are always saturated whether or not your sensors are over the line, then that’s a good indication that the environment around the sensors is too bright. You might be able to address that by adding a physical shroud around the QTR sensor array to block the sensors from external light.
- Patrick