QTR 8RC white line reading

So I have this code for a Line Following robot. If it’s a black line, it works perfectly. It doesn’t if it’s a white line.
I read in the libraries that to read a white line, this line of code is necessary:

unsigned int position = qtrrc.readLine(sensorValues, QTR_EMITTERS_ON, 1);

My question is:
Is changing this line of code enough? do I need to change anything else in the following code?:

#include <PololuQTRSensors.h>
#include <AFMotor.h>

AF_DCMotor motor1(1, MOTOR12_8KHZ ); // PIN 11 - create motor #1 pwm
AF_DCMotor motor2(2, MOTOR12_8KHZ ); // PIN 3 - create motor #2 pwm

// Change the values below to suit your robot’s motors, weight, wheel type, etc.
#define KP .2
#define KD 5
#define M1_DEFAULT_SPEED 50
#define M2_DEFAULT_SPEED 50
#define M1_MAX_SPEED 70
#define M2_MAX_SPEED 70
#define NUM_SENSORS 5 // number of sensors used
#define TIMEOUT 2500 // waits for 2500 us for sensor outputs to go low
#define EMITTER_PIN 2 // emitter is controlled by digital pin 2
#define DEBUG 0 // set to 1 if serial debug output needed

PololuQTRSensorsRC qtrrc((unsigned char[]) { 18,17,16,15,14} ,NUM_SENSORS, TIMEOUT, EMITTER_PIN);

unsigned int sensorValues[NUM_SENSORS];

void setup()

int lastError = 0;
int last_proportional = 0;
int integral = 0;

void loop()
unsigned int sensors[5];
int position = qtrrc.readLine(sensors);
int error = position - 2000;

int motorSpeed = KP * error + KD * (error - lastError);
lastError = error;

int leftMotorSpeed = M1_DEFAULT_SPEED + motorSpeed;
int rightMotorSpeed = M2_DEFAULT_SPEED - motorSpeed;

// set motor speeds using the two motor speed variables above
set_motors(leftMotorSpeed, rightMotorSpeed);

void set_motors(int motor1speed, int motor2speed)
if (motor1speed > M1_MAX_SPEED ) motor1speed = M1_MAX_SPEED; // limit top speed
if (motor2speed > M2_MAX_SPEED ) motor2speed = M2_MAX_SPEED; // limit top speed
if (motor1speed < 0) motor1speed = 0; // keep motor above 0
if (motor2speed < 0) motor2speed = 0; // keep motor speed above 0
motor1.setSpeed(motor1speed); // set motor speed
motor2.setSpeed(motor2speed); // set motor speed

void manual_calibration() {

int i;
for (i = 0; i < 250; i++) // the calibration will take a few seconds

if (DEBUG) { // if true, generate sensor dats via serial output
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SENSORS; i++)
Serial.print(’ ');

for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SENSORS; i++)
  Serial.print(' ');



Replacing that line in your code should be all that is necessary to switch to following a white line.
