Hi, i am making a line follower robot using arduino nano, pololu qtr8a sensor and tb6612fng dual motor driver.
This is my code:
#include <QTRSensors.h>
#define NUM_SENSORS 8 // number of sensors used
#define TIMEOUT 4 // waits for 2500 microseconds for sensor outputs to go low
#define EMITTER_PIN 13 // emitter is controlled by digital pin 13
//Define the Pins
// sensors 0 through 8 are connected to:
QTRSensorsAnalog qtra((unsigned char[]) {A2,A4, A6,A7,A1,A0,A5,A3 }, NUM_SENSORS, TIMEOUT, EMITTER_PIN);
int IndicatorLED = 13;
//Motor 1
int pinAIN1 = 6; //Direction
int pinAIN2 = 7; //Direction
int pinPWMA = 5; //Speed
//Motor 2
int pinBIN1 = 8; //Direction
int pinBIN2 = 9; //Direction
int pinPWMB = 10; //Speed
int pinSTBY = 12;
unsigned int sensorValues[NUM_SENSORS];
unsigned int sensors[8];
int position = 0;
int error = 0;
int m1Speed = 0;
int m2Speed = 0;
int motorSpeed = 0;
unsigned long previousMillis = 0; // time keeping function
int BlinkTime = 300; // blink time
int CycleTime = 1; // used to call for a blink toggle
int BlinkCycle = 1; // used to alternate the LED on and off
///////////////////////PID TUNING//////////////
int lastError = 0;
float KP = 0;
float KD = 0;
int M1 = 50; //base motor speeds
int M2 = 50; //base motor speeds
int M1max = 50; //max motor speeds
int M2max = 50; //max motor speeds
int M1min = 0; //min motor speeds
int M2min = 0; //min motor speeds
//Constants to help remember the parameters
static boolean turnCW = 0; //for motorDrive function
static boolean turnCCW = 1; //for motorDrive function
static boolean motor1 = 0; //for motorDrive, motorStop, motorBrake functions
static boolean motor2 = 1; //for motorDrive, motorStop, motorBrake functions
void setup()
//Set the PIN Modes
pinMode(IndicatorLED, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(IndicatorLED, HIGH);
pinMode(pinPWMA, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinAIN1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinAIN2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinPWMB, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinBIN1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinBIN2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinSTBY, OUTPUT);
for (int i = 0; i < 400; i++) // make the calibration take about 10 seconds
qtra.calibrate(); // reads all sensors 10 times at 2500 us per read (i.e. ~25 ms per call)
void loop()
TimeCheck(); //Check to see if it is time to blink the LED
position = qtra.readLine(sensors);
// compute our "error" from the line position
// error is zero when the middle sensor is over the line,
error = position - 3500; /// using an 8 sensor array targeting middle of position 4 to 5
// set the motor speed based on proportional and derivative PID terms
motorSpeed = KP * error + KD * (error - lastError);
lastError = error;
m1Speed = M1 - motorSpeed; // M1 and M2 are base motor speeds.
m2Speed = M2 + motorSpeed;
if (m1Speed < M1min) //keep speeds to 0 or above
m1Speed = M1min;
if (m2Speed < M2min) m2Speed = M2min; if (m1Speed > M1max) //maximum allowed value
m1Speed = M1max;
if (m2Speed > M2max) //maximum allowed value
m2Speed = M2max;
// set motor speeds using the two motor speed variables above 255
forward(); // run the motors based on error information
//Drive both motors CW, full speed
void forward()
motorDrive(motor1, turnCW, m1Speed);
motorDrive(motor2, turnCW, m2Speed);
/* //Apply Brakes, then into Standby
motorsStandby(); */
void TimeCheck() {
unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
if (currentMillis - previousMillis > BlinkTime) {
// save the last time you blinked the LED
previousMillis = currentMillis;
void motorDrive(boolean motorNumber, boolean motorDirection, int motorSpeed)
This Drives a specified motor, in a specific direction, at a specified speed:
- motorNumber: motor1 or motor2 ---> Motor 1 or Motor 2
- motorDirection: turnCW or turnCCW ---> clockwise or counter-clockwise
- motorSpeed: 0 to 255 ---> 0 = stop / 255 = fast
boolean pinIn1; //Relates to AIN1 or BIN1 (depending on the motor number specified)
//Specify the Direction to turn the motor
//Clockwise: AIN1/BIN1 = HIGH and AIN2/BIN2 = LOW
//Counter-Clockwise: AIN1/BIN1 = LOW and AIN2/BIN2 = HIGH
if (motorDirection == turnCW)
pinIn1 = HIGH;
pinIn1 = LOW;
//Select the motor to turn, and set the direction and the speed
if (motorNumber == motor1)
digitalWrite(pinAIN1, pinIn1);
digitalWrite(pinAIN2, !pinIn1); //This is the opposite of the AIN1
analogWrite(pinPWMA, motorSpeed);
digitalWrite(pinBIN1, pinIn1);
digitalWrite(pinBIN2, !pinIn1); //This is the opposite of the BIN1
analogWrite(pinPWMB, motorSpeed);
//Finally , make sure STBY is disabled - pull it HIGH
digitalWrite(pinSTBY, HIGH);
void motorBrake(boolean motorNumber)
This "Short Brake"s the specified motor, by setting speed to zero
if (motorNumber == motor1)
analogWrite(pinPWMA, 0);
analogWrite(pinPWMB, 0);
void motorStop(boolean motorNumber)
This stops the specified motor by setting both IN pins to LOW
if (motorNumber == motor1) {
digitalWrite(pinAIN1, LOW);
digitalWrite(pinAIN2, LOW);
digitalWrite(pinBIN1, LOW);
digitalWrite(pinBIN2, LOW);
void BlinkIt() {
if (BlinkCycle == 1) {
//Led On
digitalWrite(IndicatorLED, HIGH);
if (BlinkCycle == 2) {
//Led Off
digitalWrite(IndicatorLED, LOW);
BlinkCycle = 0; // reset BlinkCycle
BlinkCycle++; // Set BlinkCycle to second mode
All the robot does is driving fast in circles.
What’s The problem ?