Programming with FTDI USB TTL-232 cable

Hi there

I’m wondering if I can use* my FTDI USB TTL-232 cable to connect with the robot and programming it. I do have OS X 10.5.6 and the avr toolchain (avrdude).

* if I build an adapter from the FTDI cable to 6 pin layout

Any ideas?


Hello Gaffa,
The FTDI cable you have will generate a TTL serial signal, but the interface for programming AVRs is more complicated than that - you need an AVR programmer like our USB programmer to program the 3pi robot.

I don’t think this will help you, but there is a more advanced technique for making the robot programmable with a serial signal, using a “bootloader” - but you’ll have to first write one or find one somewhere else (we don’t supply one), then use a standard AVR programmer to load the bootloader the first time.


Hi Paul

Thanks for your fast reply.

Short: i do need both ways an usb programmer
For my understanding: a bootloader on the microcontroller will handle the input from the usb programmer?

Do you have an idea where to buy your usb progammer in europe?


Where did you originally buy the 3pi? All of our distributors who carry the 3pi should also carry either our USB programmer or another AVR programmer. You can see the entire list of distributors in Europe by clicking Distributors at the top of this page.


Hi there

I bought it from the germany distributor ( They don’t have an Orangutan, but the do have the Atmel USB ISP-Programmer MKII. And as long as there is a 6 pin connector, it should be ok, yes?

I saw an other one. But this one has a 10 pin header, so I need do build an adapter?



I would go with the Atmel programmer. The 6-pin connector is what you want.

- Jan