Programming A-Star 328PB with AVRISP mkII?

I have just read the “Uploading Using Programmer” from the A-Star User Guide - Section 4.4
However, I would like to use an AVR-ISP-Mk2 (Olimex) - listed as: “AVRISP-mkII” in the Arduino IDE.
How should I add to / modify pololu-a-star package? Add a new programmers.txt file? Containing what?

Best regards, Martin

Hello, Martin.

It sounds like you are trying to program an A-Star 328PB using an AVRISP mkII programmer in the Arduino IDE.

First, you should find the programmers.txt file that comes with the A-Star package. If you are using Windows and installed the A-Star package using the Boards Manager as recommended in our directions, you should be able to find it at a path like the following:


Next, open that file in a text editor and add these lines to the bottom: mkII for Pololu A-Star 328PB

After you save the file, close the Arduino IDE, and then open it again, you should see a new entry in the Programmers menu named “AVRISP mkII for Pololu A-Star 328PB”. Select this programmer. Also, make sure that you select “Pololu A-Star 328PB” in the “Board” menu.

You should now be able to program your A-Star 328PB with the AVRISP mkII using the “Upload using programmer” command. I only tested these instructions partially, so please let me know whether they work for you.


Hi David,

Thank you very much for the prompt reply. And yes, the instructions worked a treat!
My apologies for not mentioning that I was using Linux (openSUSE Leap) and so the only variance to your note was the file location.
Which for me was: ~/.arduino15/packages/pololu-a-star/hardware/avr/4.0.2/programmers.txt.

Regards, Martin