Problems may occur while using qtr8rc for follow a white line

Hi guys first I thank AmandaS to give me correct instructions about my early questions here is the link for it
How to use pololu qtr8rc sensor panel for follow a white in black surface,
After that I goon with my robot and found why it not giving correct outputs while following white line like black line,then I found two errors in my side one is the distance between the surface and the surface according to my measurements It should between 8-9.5mm other than It gives me wrong sensor readings,the other thing is the motor shield I used,It is Arduino Motor Shield in it 8 and 9 pins were defined as brake so if I set sensor out to those pins it will not give a input so it also cause for a when we use a shield like that want to know about those otherwise we have to face troubles.and also I want to say
*** unsigned int position = qtra.readLine(sensorValues) for black line;
*** unsigned int line_position = qtrrc.readLine(sensorValues, QTR_EMITTERS_ON, 1); (white line)
are the only difference part in the code between black line follower white line follower.
I think this will help to other beginners who use qtr8rc sensor panel.for any one want the code pls reply me

  • Rangika Mark

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