Problem with Zumo 32U4 and Balancing example

I just finished assembling Zumo 32U4, using 75:1 motors (applied magnetic encoders).
After Upload Balancing sample code via Arduino IDE, Now when the Gyro calibration is complete, I will press the A button, To test the robot it is placed onto the ground (and even on the carpet) with board facing upwards. (As explained in the source code)
After waiting a few seconds, I just keeps on driving forward without bringing itself into stand up position. The motor test-sketch worked fine before.

Does anyone have a clue how to solve this problem? Do need to do some work to launch this example code?

PS: The rest of the examples run without problems.


Our balancing demo does not pop the robot up into a balancing position from an initially horizontal position. Have you tried starting the robot in an upright position, as shown in this demo video?


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Thanks Nathan,
But the problem is that the robot is leaning forward then falls and that is not the balance !!
Please see the attached video.

Thanks for posting that video. It looks like the sketch is working correctly, however there are some parameters in that sketch that can be adjusted to tune the balancing to account for slight build differences in robots. It looks like your robot is trying to wander in one direction because the angle it is trying to maintain is slightly off balance. This could be because the weight distribution on your robot is slightly different than the one we made the code for. You might try changing the targetAngle variable to something more upright for your robot.


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Thanks Nathan,
I will test.