Problem reading AVR ports

The following code has no effect, despite verification of changing port inputs. Data directions/pullups have been set up using #define statements in accordance with the 32U4 spec. This was done in the setup section. The troublesome code is in the loop section.
No complaints from the compiler. The Yawlim array values remain as initialized, with no impact from he code.
Any suggestions appreciated.

  if ((PIND & 0b00010000) &&  (PIND & 0b1000000) && (PINC & 0b01000000)!=1)
      if ((PIND & 0b00010000) == 0)
          Yawlim[0]= 0;
          Yawlim[1]= 1;
          Yawlim[2]= 1;        
      else if ((PIND & 0b1000000) == 0)
          Yawlim[0]= 1;
          Yawlim[1]= 1;
          Yawlim[2]= 0;   
          Yawlim[0]= 1;
          Yawlim[1]= 0;
          Yawlim[2]= 1;  

Problem solved: Typo in the if statement. Should be:
if (((PIND & 0b00010000) && (PIND & 0b1000000) && (PINC & 0b01000000))!=1)


I’m glad you figured out what was wrong and were able to fix it; thank you for letting us know.

- Amanda