Pololu USB AVR Programmer v2.1 and tiny24a

Does the Pololu USB AVR Programmer v2.1. support tiny24a devices? I am using Atmel studio 7 and cannot get it to recognise the programmer. The devices pages shows all three entries but Studio 7 doesn’t seem to see the programmer. The programmer has green led lit and the two yellows are flashing sequentially.

Studio 7 only give the simulator and custom programmer as available devices.

What am I missing?


The Pololu USB AVR Programmer v2.1 supports all AVRs with an ISP interface, including the ATtiny24A.

It sounds like you installed the drivers for the AVR Programmer v2.1, since you are seeing the three device entries in your Device Manager (as shown under the “Installing Windows drivers and software” section in the Pololu USB AVR Programmer v2 User’s Guide). To add the AVR Programmer v2.1 as a tool in Atmel Studio, you need to select “Add target…” under the Tools Menu, and select STK500 as the tool (type) and the AVR Programmer’s programming port for the serial port. You might find looking at the “AVR programming using Atmel Studio” section in the AVR programmer’s user’s guide helpful.

- Amanda


got over that hurtle, now to get rid of the0xC0 errors :blush: I either have a whole batch of ATtiny24a’s that are bad or your programmer, and an older Dragon programmer and one of the old Baby Orangutang programmers (PWM02b??) are all bad! That or Studio 7 has a problem. It’s getting very frustrating.



If you are having problems getting the AVR programmer to connect to the AVR, you might find reading the “If the programmer has problems connecting to the target AVR” subsection under the “Troubleshooting AVR programming issues” section in the AVR Programmer v2 User’s Guide helpful.

- Amanda


So this device doesn’t support debugwire? Seems like an oversight.

