Pololu programmer + uc3c0512c

Is the uc3c0512c avr supported by the pololu programmer?
I try to program my uc3c0512c in atmel studio 7 but it isn’t in the list of devices

I’ve tried the steps in 3.b.1. Adding Devices to Atmel Studio 6, but in the path C:\Program Files (x86)\Atmel\Studio\7.0\tools\STK500 I don’t have the xml folder

An when I try to read the device signature I get this error


It looks like the AT32UC3C0512C can only be programmed through its JTAG and aWire interfaces. It does not have the AVR ISP interface that is used by the Pololu USB AVR Programmer and the Pololu USB AVR Programmer v2, so you will not be able to use either of those programmers with it. You might consider using the AVR Dragon instead.

