Pololu item #: 2119 - S7V7F5 step-up/down regulator

I need a slightly higher output current than (Pololu item #: 2119) S7V7F5 step-up/down regulator can provide.
Would it be possible/recommended to place two of these regulators in parallel to double the output current?


We have not tried it, and we generally do not recommend connecting regulators in parallel, but if you only need a little more current than a single unit can provide, it might work if you OR the outputs together through small (maybe 0.2 - 0.5 ohm) resistors (make sure they can handle the power). If you do try it, please let us know how it goes!

- Ben

I have the same doubt. Could you provide the schematic of this regulator? Or datasheet of de main IC?

Thank you!


We are not releasing that information, but I don’t expect either would help you in this case.

- Ben