
as your sample project said that using PIC16F62X to control a robot,then how about using a PIC16F84A,can it work??please help me.thanks


The PIC16F62X PICs have a hardware UART, which makes serial communication very easy. You can use the PIC16F84A to make the robot in Project1, but you will have to do the serial communication in software.

- Candice

as pololu sample project 1,i follow all the step and fix all the hardware part,once i test it,the motor just can move a few of second then stop automatically,i check all the connection is ok,what problem??


There could be many reasons for the motor stopping, so you want to simplify everything as much as possible. For instance, if you make your code just send a single command to the motor controller and then do nothing else, you can start narrowing down whether you have a software problem or a hardware problem. If the single command works fine, then you probably have an error in a later command you send in your program. If the motor still stops after a while, you might check to see if the motor driver chip (the bigger of the two chips) is overheating.

- Jan

ya,then if the DSMC has spoiled ,how should i check it??


If the motor controller is overheating, it will stop running the motor for a second, cool down, turn on the motors again, heat up, and keep cycling. You should be able to tell that the motor driver chip (the bigger chip) is getting hot.

If the motors run for a bit and then just stop without ever starting again, then you probably have a different problem (possibly noise in your power supply).

- Jan

what do u mean by noise of power supply?


Power supply noise is fluctuation in the voltage that isn’t supposed to be there. Typically, if you have a DC supply, you want the voltage to stay constant. Varying loads, such as a running microcontroller, can cause the voltage to drop more when the current consumption goes up. Pulse width modulated motors are are quite bad because large currents are being switched on and off, and the motors (inductors) can send back high voltage spikes.

If you have a noisy power supply, all kinds of trouble can ensue as different parts of your system might reset or get faulty data. If there are voltage spikes above the allowable range of system components, you could even break some of those.

- Jan

ok,then how can i reduce the power supply noise??thankz


The easiest things that you can do are to use separate batteries for your motors and logic and to add capacitors to your power supplies.

- Jan