PIC program doubt

Hi everyone, im making the PIC-Based, Obstacle-Avoiding Robot that i found in this page. I got some errors at making the assembly program. Here’s the code, i made it exactly the way it says on this forum.

			List p=16f628A		
			#INCLUDE "P16F628A.INC"
			__Config 3D28

Bank0RAM	equ			020h		;empieza en banco 0 del area en RAM
SMC_PORT	equ			PORTB		;controlador del motor en puerto b
BMP_PORT	equ			PORTB		;interruptores de parachoques en puerto b

;Equivalencias en bits
SOUT		equ			2			;salida serial para el controlador de motor
SRST		equ			3			;para reiniciar pin en el controlador de motor
LBMP		equ			4			;interruptor de parachoques izquierdo
RBMP		equ			5			;interruptor de parachoques derecho


			cblock		Bank0RAM
			BYTE3					;para almacenar bytes 3 y 4 en el protocolo serial

			movlw		.250		;bucle externo
			addlw		0XFF		;bucle interno
			btfss		STATUS,Z
			goto		$-2			;ve al bucle interno
			movlw		1			;16-bit decremento
			subwf		ARG1L,f
			btfss		STATUS,C
			decf		ARG1H,f
			movf		ARG1H,f		;16-bit si es cero
			btfsc		STATUS,Z
			movf		ARG1L,f
			btfsc		STATUS,Z
			goto		milliDelay

;******Programa principal*********

			org			0X05
									;configura los puertos I/O y el puerto serial para 19,200 baundios UART
			bsf			STATUS,RP0
			movlw		b'11110111'	;smc reset es el unico normal
			movwf		TRISB
									;activa los resistores del puerto B
			movlw		.12
			movwf		SPBRG		;direccion 99h
			movlw		b'00100100'	;bit 6 clear - 8-bit transmision
									;bit 5 set - habilita transmision
									;bit 4 set - UART modo ascincrono
									;bit 2 set - alto baudios modo
									;bit 7,3,1,0 - no importa
			movwf		TXSTA		;direccion 98h
			bcf			STATUS,RP0	;banco 0
			movlw		b'10010000'	;bit 7 set - habilita puerto serial
									;bit 6 clear - 8-bit recepcion
									;bit 4 set - recibimiento continuo
									;bits 5,3:0 - no importa
			movwf		RCSTA		;direccion 18h
									;resetear el controlador de motor
			bcf			SMC_PORT,SRST
			bsf			SMC_PORT,SRST
			movlw		0X00
			movwf		ARG1H
			movlw		0X02
			movwf		ARG1L
			call		milliDelay
			btfss		BMP_PORT,LBMP
			goto		left_bump
			btfss		BMP_PORT,RBMP
			goto		right_bump
									;no hay colision, sigue derecho
			movlw		0X00		;motor derecho sigue adelante
			movwf		BYTE3
			movlw		0X7F		;Maxima velocidad
			movwf		BYTE4
			call		updateMotor
			movlw		0X02		;motor derecho sigue adelante
			movwf		BYTE3
			movlw		0X7F		;maxima velocidad
			movwf		BYTE4
			call		updateMotor
			goto		mainLoop
			call		pause
			movlw		0x03		;motor derecho, hacia atras
			movwf		BYTE3
			movlw		0X7F		;maxima velocidad
			movwf		BYTE4
			call		updateMotor
			movlw		0X01		;motor izquierdo, hacia atras
			movwf		BYTE3
			movlw		0X3F		;velocidad media
			movwf		BYTE4
			call		updateMotor
			movlw		HIGH .1500	;pausa 1.5 segundos
			movwf		ARG1H
			movlw		LOW .1500
			movwf		ARG1L
			call		milliDelay
			call		pause
			goto		mainLoop
			call		pause
			movlw		0X03		;motor derecho, hacia atras
			movwf		BYTE3
			movlw		0X3F		;velocidad media
			movwf		BYTE4
			call		updateMotor
			movlw		0X01		;motor izquierdo, hacia atras
			movwf		BYTE3
			movlw		0X7F		;maxima velocidad
			movwf		BYTE4
			call		updateMotor
			movlw		HIGH .1500
			movwf		ARG1H
			movlw		LOW .1500
			movwf		ARG1L
			call		milliDelay
			call		pause
			goto		mainLoop
			btfss		PIR1,TXIF
			goto		updateMotor	
			movlw		0X80
			movwf		TXREG
			btfss		PIR1,TXIF
			goto		updateMotor2
			movlw		0X00
			movwf		TXREG
			btfss		PIR1,TXIF
			goto		updateMotor3
			movf		BYTE3,W
			movwf		TXREG
			btfss		PIR1,TXIF
			goto		updateMotor4
			movf		BYTE4,W
			movwf		TXREG
			movlw		0X02		;motor derecho apagado
			movwf		BYTE3
			movlw		0X00
			movwf		BYTE4
			call		updateMotor
			movlw		0X00		;motor izquierdo apagado
			movwf		BYTE3
			movlw		0X00
			movwf		BYTE4
			call		updateMotor
			movlw		HIGH .50	;pausa 0.05 segundos (50 ms)
			movwf		ARG1H
			movlw		LOW .50
			movwf		ARG1L
			call		milliDelay

Here are the errors i got

I dont know why im getting these errors, I think i colocated labels, operations, operands and comments correctly
PLease help mee! im new at this :d


Have you successfully done a simpler project yet? Did you look at the line number where the error occurs, and do you understand what the message is telling you? What you have at the first error line is the milliDelay subroutine, and you have not specified where you want the assembler to put the code. Putting the subroutine somewhere lower in your code will probably fix your problem, but you should first understand why the assembler does not understand what you’re asking it to do.

- Jan