Orangutan USB Programmer

I have several Orangutan USB Programmers PGM02B (config Fw:1.5 Hw:0xff Sw:02.0A).

They work fine on XP, but I now need to use them on Windows 7. I read another post where you suggested using the Silicon Labs CP210xSetIDs tool in XP to change the parameters back to the default settings and then using the Silicon Labs driver for Windows 7. However, when I run the tool on XP no devices show up in device list. Any ideas on how to proceed?



Just to check for the obvious: you have the programmers plugged in, and they work, when you’re trying to find them with the SiLabs tool?

- Jan

Thanks for your quick reply.

Yes, that’s correct. The boards work on XP with avrdude and avr studio no problem. They enumerate as a port “Pololu USB-to-serial adapter (COM7)”, COM7 is just one board each has a different port number.

When I run the si labs software from AN144SW no devices show up in the serial number device list box at the top of their program window. If I press the “Update Device List” button still nothing shows up.


Hm. I don’t have many suggestions since it has just worked for me in the past. I remember there being some DLL that had to be in the right place; did you take care of that? Does it generally seem like the utility is running properly?

- Jan

The utility runs, but nothing shows up in the list box. I don’t have any unmodified CP2102 devices to test and see if it recognizes them. I followed their instructions for installation and also tried to copy the dll into the system32 directory. No change. I wouldn’t bother so much, but I have ten of these things for a grade school class. I’ll try a few more ideas and see if I can get anywhere. If you happen to have an older utility that works it would be great if you could email a zip file to me and I’ll give it a try as well. Maybe an older version works for some reason. Thanks for your help.


Have you tried other computers? (Also, I realize this does not help you now, but we have newer programmers that work with Windows 7.)

If you contact us directly by email, I can email you what I used.

- Jan

I got it working on Windows 7. I had to use AN220SW to create a custom driver with the Pololu PID then I could successfully run AN144SW. Here are the steps.

From Windows XP - connect the Oragutan Programmer
1- Download and unzip AN220SW and AN144SW from Si Labs website.
2- Run the program CustomUSBDriverWizard.exe in the AN220SW folder.
3- 1st screen - Select Virtual COM Port Installation, select Customized Executable Installer, click next, click next.
4- Select Windows XP/Vista/S2K3/7, click next.
5- Change the PID listed to 803B, click next until it’s finished, click finish.
6- Go to C:\Silabs\MCU\CustomCP210xDriverInstall and run CP210xVCPInstaller.exe, click Install. This will install the new driver. Restart the computer.
7- Run the program CP210xSetIDs.exe in the AN144SW folder.
8- Change the Pid to EA60 and click the check box next to Pid.
9- Press the “Program Device” button. Done on XP.

From Windows 7
10- Download and install the signed CP210x VCP driver from the Si Labs website.
11- Connect the modified Orangutan Programmer and the driver should install successfully.


Great; thanks for sharing!

- Jan