Orangutan Sample Code

Is there any sample code available for using the Orangutan Controller. I have figured out how to run the LCD based on code provided on this forum but would like to explore other areas of the controller.

Specfically, I was wondering about the use of the motor h-bridge on the Orangutan. I was also wondering if anyone has used the orangutan for i2c comminucations.

The provided examples seem a little light compared to the support available for other controller boards. The trickest part that would be nice to to have a worked example for is the use of the push buttons and the LCD in the same program. The Port sharing necessary would be useful as an example.

Since the forum was hacked I’d be willing to repost my simple LCD code if anyone could benfit from it. Just post a reuest.



It would be great if you could repost your sample code.

We are very busy preparing the release of several exciting new products, including the Baby Orangutan. Once those are out, we will focus on creating sample projects that demonstrate the uses of the Orangutan features.

In the meantime, if you have the LCD working, getting the buttons to work should not be difficult. Just have your button subroutine change the pins to inputs, read the value, and then change back to outputs. As long as you don’t call the routine in the middle of doing something with the LCD, it shouldn’t affect LCD operations.

- Jan

I apologize in adavance for teh lack of commnets in this code. Its fairly easy to follow but you may want to download the Hitachi LCD Information.



** LCD


void    LCDSendNibble( unsigned char data )
        data &= 0x0F;
        data <<= 3;
        PORTB &= ~0x38;
        PORTB |= (data & 0x38);
        data <<= 1;
        PORTD &= ~0x80;
        PORTD |= (data & 0x80);
        PORTD |= BV(4);         //      LCD_STROBE = 1;
        PORTD &= ~BV(4);        //      LCD_STROBE = 0;
        _delay_loop_1( (unsigned)255 );

void    LCDData( unsigned char data )
        PORTD |= BV(2);         // LCD_RS = 1;
        LCDSendNibble( data >> 4 );
        LCDSendNibble( data );

void    LCDString( const unsigned char *str )
    while (*str != 0)  {
                LCDData( *str++ );

void    LCDCommand( unsigned char data )
        PORTD &= ~BV(2);                // LCD_RS = 0;
        LCDSendNibble( data >> 4 );
        LCDSendNibble( data );
        _delay_loop_1( (unsigned)255 );
        LCDDelay( 2000 );

void    LCDHexNibble( unsigned char data )
        data &= 0x0F;
        if ( data > 9 ) {
                data += ('A' - '9' - 1);
        LCDData( data + '0' );

void    LCDHex( unsigned char data )
        LCDHexNibble( data >> 4 );
        LCDHexNibble( data );

void    LCDInit( void )
        DDRB |= BV( 3 ) | BV( 4 ) | BV( 5 );
        DDRD |= BV( 7 ) | BV( 4 ) | BV( 3 ) | BV( 2 );
        PORTD &= ~BV(4);        //      LCD_STROBE = 0;
        PORTD &= ~BV(3);        //      r/w = 0
        LCDCommand( 0x32 );
        LCDCommand( 0x20 );
        LCDCommand( 0x1C );
        LCDCommand( LCD_COMMAND_CLEAR );
        LCDDelay( 1000 );
        LCDCommand( 0x28 );
        LCDCommand( 0x06 );
        LCDCommand( 0x0C );

void beep (unsigned char cycles) {
	DDRB |= 1<<PB0;					//make PB0 an output
	long i;
	while (cycles > 0) {
		PORTB |= 1<<PB0;			// buzzer pin high
		PORTB &= !(1<<PB0);		// buzzer pin low

int main(void) {
	long i;
	DDRD |= 1<<PD1;					// set PD1 to output
	LCDInit();							//Initialize LCD
	LCDCommand(LCD_COMMAND_LINE1);			//Goto start of Line 1 on LCD
	LCDString("Hello");					//Print 'Hello' on first line
	LCDCommand(LCD_COMMAND_LINE2);			//Goto start of Line 2 on LCD
	LCDString("World:-)");				//Print 'World:-)' on second line
	while(1) {
		PORTD |= 1<<PD1;			// LED on
		PORTD &= !(1<<PD1);		// LED off
	return 0;

Hope this helps.



What I’m really looking for is direction on the operation of the motor H-Bridge. I’m familiar with the L293D but the h-bridge on the Orangutan seems to be somewhat different. The only data sheet I can find on the part is not all that much help. I was hoping someone on the forum would be able to point me in the right direction.

The products you mention, especially the ‘baby orangutan’ seem interesting. Can’t wait to hear more details.


When I compile your code I get:
warning: implicit declaration of function `BV’

I wasnt sure what BV(x) is supposed to represent . . . so I changed it to the below code . . . however the LCD still doesnt display stuff =(


** LCD 


void    LCDSendNibble( unsigned char data ) 
        data &= 0x0F; 
        data <<= 3; 
        PORTB &= ~0x38; 
        PORTB |= (data & 0x38); 
        data <<= 1; 
        PORTD &= ~0x80; 
        PORTD |= (data & 0x80); 
        PORTD |= 1<<PD4;         //      LCD_STROBE = 1; PD4
        PORTD &= ~(1<<PD4);        //      LCD_STROBE = 0; PD4
        _delay_loop_1( (unsigned)255 ); 

void    LCDData( unsigned char data ) 
        PORTD |= 1<<PD2;         // LCD_RS = 1; PD2
        LCDSendNibble( data >> 4 ); 
        LCDSendNibble( data ); 

void    LCDString( const unsigned char *str ) 
    while (*str != 0)  { 
                LCDData( *str++ ); 

void    LCDCommand( unsigned char data ) 
        PORTD &= ~(1<<PD2);                // LCD_RS = 0; PD2
        LCDSendNibble( data >> 4 ); 
        LCDSendNibble( data ); 
        _delay_loop_1( (unsigned)255 ); 
        LCDDelay( 2000 ); 

void    LCDHexNibble( unsigned char data ) 
        data &= 0x0F; 
        if ( data > 9 ) { 
                data += ('A' - '9' - 1); 
        LCDData( data + '0' ); 

void    LCDHex( unsigned char data ) 
        LCDHexNibble( data >> 4 ); 
        LCDHexNibble( data ); 

void    LCDInit( void ) 
        DDRB |= 1<<PB3 | 1<<PB4 | 1<<PB5; 
        DDRD |= 1<<PD7 | 1<<PD4 | 1<<PD3 | 1<<PD2; 
        PORTD &= ~(1<<PD4);        //      LCD_STROBE = 0; PD4
        PORTD &= ~(1<<PD3);        //      r/w = 0 PD3
        LCDCommand( 0x32 ); 
        LCDCommand( 0x20 ); 
        LCDCommand( 0x1C ); 
        LCDCommand( LCD_COMMAND_CLEAR ); 
        LCDDelay( 1000 ); 
        LCDCommand( 0x28 ); 
        LCDCommand( 0x06 ); 
        LCDCommand( 0x0C ); 

void beep (unsigned char cycles) { 
   DDRB |= 1<<PB0;               //make PB0 an output 
   long i; 
   while (cycles > 0) { 
      PORTB |= 1<<PB0;         // buzzer pin high 
      PORTB &= !(1<<PB0);      // buzzer pin low 

int main(void) { 
   long i; 
   DDRD |= 1<<PD1;               // set PD1 to output 
   LCDInit();                     //Initialize LCD 
   LCDCommand(LCD_COMMAND_LINE1);         //Goto start of Line 1 on LCD 
   LCDString("Hello");               //Print 'Hello' on first line 
   LCDCommand(LCD_COMMAND_LINE2);         //Goto start of Line 2 on LCD 
   LCDString("World:-)");            //Print 'World:-)' on second line 
   while(1) { 
      PORTD |= 1<<PD1;         // LED on 
      PORTD &= !(1<<PD1);      // LED off 

   return 0; 


I compiled the posted code with no errors using WinAVR 20040404. BV(x) set the Bit x to 1 in a Byte of data. This nomenclature was part of a pre-existing example on the forum before most of teh posts were lost to a hacking incident a while back. I re-wrote the code, compiled and tested in on my Orangutan with no errors. The new code is below. Hope this helps. (I won’t be much help in WinAVR or Gnu GCC problems, sorry.)


** LCD


void    LCDSendNibble( unsigned char data )
        data &= 0x0F;
        data <<= 3;
        PORTB &= ~0x38;
        PORTB |= (data & 0x38);
        data <<= 1;
        PORTD &= ~0x80;
        PORTD |= (data & 0x80);
        PORTD |= 0x10;         //      LCD_STROBE = 1;
        PORTD &= ~0x10;        //      LCD_STROBE = 0;
        _delay_loop_1( (unsigned)255 );

void    LCDData( unsigned char data )
        PORTD |= 0x04;         // LCD_RS = 1;
        LCDSendNibble( data >> 4 );
        LCDSendNibble( data );

void    LCDString( const unsigned char *str )
    while (*str != 0)  {
                LCDData( *str++ );

void    LCDCommand( unsigned char data )
        PORTD &= ~0x04;                // LCD_RS = 0;
        LCDSendNibble( data >> 4 );
        LCDSendNibble( data );
        _delay_loop_1( (unsigned)255 );
        LCDDelay( 2000 );

void    LCDHexNibble( unsigned char data )
        data &= 0x0F;
        if ( data > 9 ) {
                data += ('A' - '9' - 1);
        LCDData( data + '0' );

void    LCDHex( unsigned char data )
        LCDHexNibble( data >> 4 );
        LCDHexNibble( data );

void    LCDInit( void )
        DDRB |= 0x38;
        DDRD |= 0x9C;
        PORTD &= ~0x10;        //      LCD_STROBE = 0;
        PORTD &= ~0x08;        //      r/w = 0
        LCDCommand( 0x32 );
        LCDCommand( 0x20 );
        LCDCommand( 0x1C );
        LCDCommand( LCD_COMMAND_CLEAR );
        LCDDelay( 1000 );
        LCDCommand( 0x28 );
        LCDCommand( 0x06 );
        LCDCommand( 0x0C );

void beep (unsigned char cycles) {
	DDRB |= 1<<PB0;					//make PB0 an output
	long i;
	while (cycles > 0) {
		PORTB |= 1<<PB0;			// buzzer pin high
		PORTB &= !(1<<PB0);		// buzzer pin low

int main(void) {
	long i;
	DDRD |= 1<<PD1;					// set PD1 to output
	LCDInit();							//Initialize LCD
	LCDCommand(LCD_COMMAND_LINE1);			//Goto start of Line 1 on LCD
	LCDString("Hello");					//Print 'Hello' on first line
	LCDCommand(LCD_COMMAND_LINE2);			//Goto start of Line 2 on LCD
	LCDString("World:-)");				//Print 'World:-)' on second line
	while(1) {
		PORTD |= 1<<PD1;			// LED on
		PORTD &= !(1<<PD1);		// LED off
	return 0;